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Naravne in antropogene nesreče in krize zaradi pogosto velikega števila nedolžnih žrtev zahtevajo posebno obliko odzivanja nanje z obsežno humanitarno dejavnostjo in pomočjo. Gre za dostavljanje nujne pomoči prebivalcem na prizadetih območjih, s čimer se rešuje njihova življenja, zdravje in dostojanstvo, ščiti pravice in jim zagotavlja čim bolj primerno okolje za življenje. Mednarodne težnje po miru in varnosti so pripeljale do skupnega interesa držav za zagotavljanje in ohranjanje pogojev za mirno sobivanje in varovanje človekovih pravic in svoboščin. V ta namen se še danes povezujejo in usklajujejo organizacije, ki mednarodno zagotavljajo humanitarno pomoč na območjih, kjer je ta potrebna. Zaradi kompleksnosti, velikega obsega žrtev in navadno tudi obstoja določene stopnje nevarnosti na teh območjih, je nujna medsebojna koordinacija humanitarne dejavnosti, ki poteka v okviru mednarodnega humanitarnega sistema. Različne organizacije se povezujejo in usklajujejo svoje delovanje, da se lahko čim bolj učinkovito in hitro odzivajo na potrebe ogroženega prebivalstva. Med temi imajo najpomembnejšo vlogo Evropska unija, Organizacija združenih narodov ter nekatere nevladne organizacije, kot so Rdeči križ, Humanitarna organizacija »Save the children«, Mednarodna humanitarna organizacija za boj proti lakoti »Action against hunger«, Humanitarna organizacija CARE, Zdravniki brez meja in druge. Te organizacije so pomembno prispevale k reševanju humanitarnih problemov tudi pri treh večjih krizah današnjega časa v Siriji, Ukrajini in Jemnu. Natural and man-made disasters and crises often cause large number of innocent victims and therefore require a special form of response with comprehensive humanitarian activity, which also includes humanitarian aid. The latter is defined as delivering emergency aid to residents in affected areas, and with that saving their lives, health and dignity, protecting their rights and providing them secure life. The international trends for peace and security have led to the common interest of countries to ensure and maintain the conditions for peaceful coexistence and the protection of human rights. To this end, organizations that internationally provide humanitarian assistance in areas where it is most needed are working together and are coordinating their work. Because of the complexity, large number of victims and usually high risk in the affected areas, it is essential that the coordination of humanitarian activities takes place within the international humanitarian system. Different organizations are connecting and coordinating their actions in order to respond to the needs of the at-risk populations as efficiently and quickly as possible. Among these, the European Union and the United Nations Organization play the most important role as well as some non-governmental organizations such as the Red Cross, Save the Children, Action against hunger, CARE, Doctors without borders and others. These organizations have significantly contributed to solving humanitarian problems in three major crises in Syria, Ukraine and Yemen. |