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Čustvena inteligenca predstavlja zmožnost posameznika, da se zaveda in prepoznava tako svoja kot tuja čustva, da jih uporablja v vsakodnevnem življenju ter da je sposoben čustva regulirati. Z zadovoljstvom zaposlenih pri delu pa se povečuje učinkovitost zaposlenih, zato se je potrebno zavedati pomembnosti zadovoljstva pri delu in intelektualnega kapitala, saj so zadovoljni zaposleni pomemben vir tudi pri doseganju ciljev organizacije. V teoretičnem delu smo preučevali teoretične osnove čustvene inteligence in zadovoljstva zaposlenih pri delu ter korelacije med obema konstruktoma. Zanimal nas je predvsem vpliv čustvene inteligence na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih pri delu ter povezave obeh konstruktov z različnimi spremenljivkami kot so spol, starost in izobrazba. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili rezultate raziskave na podlagi obravnavanega vzorca. Podatke smo pridobili z metodo anketiranja, rezultate pa smo obdelali s pomočjo statističnega programa SPSS. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti prisotnost čustvene inteligence in zadovoljstva zaposlenih pri delu v obravnavani organizaciji ter preveriti raziskovalne hipoteze. Ugotovili smo, da je več kot polovica anketirancev povprečno inteligentnih ter, da so zaposleni, ki so čustveno bolj inteligentni, pri delu manj zadovoljni. Rezultati so pokazali, da ni razlik v čustveni inteligenci med spoloma, da je povprečno zadovoljstvo pri moških in ženskah enako, prav tako pa se povprečno zadovoljstvo pri delu, ne razlikuje pri mlajših in starejših anketirancih. Namen je opozoriti na pomembnost človeškega vira v organizaciji ter prikazati splošne značilnosti zadovoljstva zaposlenih in čustvene inteligence, saj oba konstrukta pomembno vplivata na druge koncepte znotraj organizacijske enote. Z izvedeno raziskavo smo pripomogli k poglobljenemu razumevanju čustvene inteligence in zadovoljstva zaposlenih, preverili določene elemente korelacije ter razlike med obravnavanima konstruktoma. Vsakemu posamezniku predlagamo razvijanje čustvene inteligence, saj je učenje čustvene inteligence vseživljenjska šola, ki ni pogojena s starostjo in raste skupaj z izkušnjami. The emotional intelligence represents the capability of individuals to be aware of and to recognize their own emotions as well as the emotions of others, to use emotional information in everyday life and to regulate their emotions. Since the satisfaction of the employees enhances their efficiency it is vital to recognize also the importance of the satisfaction at work and of the intellectual capital because the employees who are satisfied are a significant expedient of an organization in achieving its objectives. The theoretical part examines the theoretical fundamentals of the emotional intelligence and job satisfaction of the employees and the correlation between them. The main point of interest is the influence of the emotional intelligence on the employees' job satisfaction and the connection between them in relation to different variables such as gender, age and level of education. The empirical part presents the results of the research based on the used sample. The data were obtained using the method of survey and the results were elaborated using the software for statistics SPSS. The objective of the research was to establish the presence of the emotional intelligence and job satisfaction in the related organization and to verify and confirm the research suppositions. It has been found out that more than a half of the respondents have average intelligence and that the employees with a higher emotional intelligence quotient are less satisfied at work. The results have shown that there are no gender differences in the emotional intelligence, i.e. that the average satisfaction is the same with men and women, as well as that the average job satisfaction is not age related. The purpose of the thesis is to draw the attention to the importance of the human resources in an organization and to show the common characteristics of job satisfaction and emotional intelligence since the both influence significantly to other concepts within an organizational unit. We believe that with the research that we have carried out we have contributed to a more profound understanding of emotional intelligence and job satisfaction, verifying different elements of correlation and differences between the concepts. Moreover, we suggest to every individual to develop their emotional intelligence since the learning of emotional intelligence is a lifelong study which is not age conditioned and can progress along with experience gaining. |