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V diplomski nalogi bom predstavila izredno prenehanje agencijske pogodbe. V začetku bom na kratko opisala agencijsko pogodbo, jo definirala in navedla njene značilnosti, večji del diplomske naloge pa bom posvetila izrednemu prenehanju agencijske pogodbe. Skozi preučevanje literature sem ugotovila, da v okviru prenehanja poznamo redno prenehanje, pri katerem bom povzela kako agencijska pogodba preneha, kadar je ta sklenjena za določen oziroma nedoločen čas, in pa izredno prenehanje agencijske pogodbe. Pri izrednem prenehanju bom podrobneje predstavila določbe Obligacijskega zakonika, ki urejajo to področje in katerih namen je predvsem varovati šibkejšo stranko, torej agenta. V nadaljevanju bom opisala odstop od pogodbe, ki je možen zaradi izjemnih okoliščin ali resnih vzrokov in sicer ima stranka pravico, da v tem primeru odstopi od pogodbe brez odpovednega roka oziroma pred določenim časom. Opisala bom tudi sam pojem resnega vzroka, ki je pravni standard in je lahko posledica ravnanja ene ali druge stranke, kot tudi posledica tretjih oseb ali višje sile. Bistveno pa je, da se lahko stranke sklicujejo na resen vzrok zgolj, kadar ta vzrok otežuje uresničitev pogodbe. V nadaljevanju bom opisala tudi, kakšna mora biti vsebina navedbe resnega vzroka v odstopni izjavi in posledice, kadar ni navedenega resnega vzroka. Na koncu bom opredelila še institut odpravnine in skozi sodne odločbe skušala prikazati tudi praktični pomen izrednega prenehanja agencijske pogodbe. The diploma thesis discusses the exceptional termination of the agency contract. At the beginning I will briefly describe and define the agency contract as well as provide its characteristics. However, the greater part of the diploma thesis discusses the exceptional termination of the agency contract. During the research study I ascertain that in the context of termination there are regular and exceptional terminations of agency contracts. First, I will explain the regular termination of the agency contract concluded for an indefinite or define period of time. Further on, I will fully discuss the exceptional termination and the provisions of the Code of Obligations that deal with this area of terminations and the purpose of which is to protect the weaker client, the agent. Further on, I will explain the resignation due to exceptional circumstances or any other serious cause in which the client has the right to resign from the contract without period of notice. Also, I will describe the concept of serious cause, which is a legal standard and can be a result of the conduct of one or another client as well as a result of people or higher power. It is crucial that clients can refer to serious cause only when that cause makes it difficult to carry out the contract. Further on, I will also discuss the content of serious cause in resignation statement and the consequences when there is no serious cause. Last, I will define the severance and try to give practical significance of the exceptional termination of the agency contract through judicial decisions. |