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V diplomskem delu so predstavljene duševne bolezni in pojem stigmatizacija. Duševne bolezni niso nekaj oddaljenega in čudaškega, temveč so prisotne tako rekoč v vseh strukturah družbe. V današnjem času se čedalje več govori o duševnih motnjah, vendar nanje še vedno reagiramo s strahom, nezaupanjem, celo odporom. Kljub spoznanju, da duševna bolezen ni nalezljiva, je naša kulturna zavest dostikrat obremenjena z mitološko sliko ljudi z duševno motnjo. Usodni premik, ki nas pripelje k sprejemanju »drugačnih«, se mora najprej zgoditi v nas samih, našem mišljenju in odnosu do njih. This diploma work presents the concept of mental illness and stigmatization. Mental illness is not something remote and eccentric, but is present in practically all the structures of society. Nowadays, more and more people talks about mental disorders, but they still reacts with fear, distrust, and even resistance. Despite the recognition that mental illness is not contagious, it is our cultural awareness often burdened with mythological image of people with mental disorder. Fatal shift that leads to the acceptance of "different" needs to happen inside us, our thinking and attitudes towards them. |