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Skozi desetletja je turizem doživljal rast in razvoj ter je s svojo raznovrstnostjo in z bogato ponudbo postal ena izmed najhitreje rastočih gospodarskih dejavnosti na svetu. Obravnavano območje Upravne enote Gornja Radgona je podeželsko okolje z ugodno obmejno lego, s čimer ima možnosti, da postane območje z razvitim turizmom, ki bi bilo privlačno za širše množice, obenem pa bi ponujalo potencialna delovna mesta, prispevalo k hitrejšemu gospodarskemu razvoju in hitrejšemu razvoju tega območja. Zaradi tega smo preučili dosedanji razvoj turizma na podeželju na območju Upravne enote Gornja Radgona in podali smernice razvoja turizma na podeželju, in sicer v povezavi z zdraviliškim, vinskim in s sejemskim turizmom. S pomočjo študija obstoječih virov in literature ter z obiskom različnih turističnih ponudnikov, s pogovorom s predstavniki turističnih in vinogradniških društev, z zaposlenimi v turističnih zavodih, v Radgonskih goricah in Zdravilišču Radenci je moč sklepati, da je na območju UE Gornja Radgona turistična ponudba relativno dobra, predvsem glede števila ponudnikov. Največ je turističnih kmetij s hrano in pijačo ter vinotočev. Zagotovo primanjkuje turističnih kmetij z možnostjo nastanitve, saj sta na preučevanem območju samo dve takšni kmetiji, in turističnih kmetij z drugo ponudbo, ki bi poleg gostinskih storitev ponujale še negostinski del. Tovrstnih turističnih kmetij, ki gostom poleg gostinskih in nastanitvenih možnosti omogočajo še mnogo drugih dejavnosti in aktivnosti, se namreč v zadnjem času pojavlja vedno več, saj želijo dlje časa zadržati goste na kmetiji in jim ponuditi celovitejšo storitev. Decades of growth and development, together with a diversified and rich offer, made tourism one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The focus here is on the area of the Gornja Radgona administrative unit, a rural environment favourably located in the border region, providing it the opportunity to become an area with developed tourist industry and thus making it attractive to wider population. At the same time, this could be the potential for creating new jobs, contribute to faster economic development and development in general in this area. This induced us to study the development of rural tourism in the area of the Gornja Radgona administrative unit to date, and to provide the guidelines for the development of rural tourism, especially in connection with spa, wine and trade fair tourism. As we studied the existing sources and literature and visited different tourist service providers in tourism, interviewed representatives of tourist and wine associations, employees in tourist institutions, Radgonske gorice wine cellar and Radenci spa resort, we came to a conclusion that in the area of Gornja Radgona AU tourist offer is relatively good, especially in terms of the number of tourist service providers. Tourist farms offering food and beverages, and wine shops prevail. Lacking are tourist farms offering accommodation – only two farms of this type can be found in this area – and tourist farms offering activities other than canteen services. The number of tourist farms providing their guests with not just canteen and accommodation services, but also offering them a variety of other activities, is constantly growing, as the providers want to keep their guests longer at their farms and offer them a wholesome service. |