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V diplomskem delu se bomo osredotočili na notranjo logistiko in uporabo embalaže v podjetju, ter predstavili možne rešitve racionalizacije embalaže in notranje logistike. Najprej bomo predstavili teoretične osnove notranje logistike, njene prvine in naloge. Prav tako se bomo posvetili tudi embaliranju, kakšne tehnike in tehnologije le-tega poznamo, katere vrste embalažnih materialov poznamo in njihove lastnosti, da bomo v nadaljevanju lažje opravili posnetek stanja in ga kritično analizirali. Podali bomo predloge za izboljšanje elementov notranje logistike, kot so notranji transport, skladiščenje, pakiranje ipd., izboljšave na področju uporabljene embalaže in načinov embaliranja ter pogoje za njihovo vpeljavo. Na koncu bomo podali oceno učinkov, napisali pogoje za uvedbo ter možnosti za nadaljnji razvoj. In the diploma thesis we are going to focus on the internal logistics and use of package in a company and present possible solutions of rationalization of packaging and internal logistics. Firstly, we are going to present theoretical fundamentals of internal logistics, its elements and assignments. Also, we are going to focus on packaging, which technics and technologies we know, what kind of packaging materials we know and their characteristics, that it will be easier afterwards to summarize the current state and critically describe it. We will provide suggestions to improve components of internal logistics, such as internal transport, storage, packaging, etc., improvements concerning used package and ways of packaging, and conditions for their introduction. At the end we are going to provide the effects of the proposal, give conditions for the introduction and possibilities for further development. |