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V diplomski nalogi je podan primer energetsko učinkovite prenove javne razsvetljave. S pomočjo računalniške simulacije v programskem paketu Relux Pro je podana primerjava obstoječega stanja cestne razsvetljave odseka Jenkove ceste, ki se nahaja v Velenju, in načrtovanega stanja po prenovi. Prav tako so podane rešitve za izboljšanje svetlobno-tehničnih karakteristik obravnavanega odseka. In the following dissertation is presented example of energy efficient restructuring of public light. With the help of Relux Pro computer simulation, is presented a comparison of the current street lighting situation of the Jenkova street section, which is located in Velenje, and planned situation after the reconstructing. It also contains solutions for improvement light – technical characteristic of considered section. |