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The thesis titled Auxiliary and other functions of verbs be and have and their equivalents in Slovene represents the theory of a verb in general and the verbs be and have in different functions and tenses. The theory of aspect and also the theory of the following tenses or aspects were precisely analyzed: the present progressive, the past progressive, the present perfective, the past perfective. The empirical part was based on the two mentioned verbs. We used Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code and Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice to look for and analyze the verbs in different tenses or aspects which were transcribed in English and Slovene. We reduced the verbs only to the progressive and the perfective aspect and analyzed the use of them. At the end, we counted the verbs and made the analysis of American and British use, and we also analyzed how the aspects are translated in Slovene. On the basis of the research we realized that the verb have is diminishing in the present perfect in American English, whereas the past progressive use is increasing. What is more, we ascertained that the present and the past perfective in Slovene are mainly translated in the past tense and that the progressive is keeping the duration in translation. The methodology of the thesis was based on the empirical part, where the method of analysis and synthesis was used, and also on the theoretical part, where the descriptive method was used. V diplomskem delu z naslovom Pomožna in druge funkcije glagolov be in have ter njihove ustreznice v slovenščini je predstavljena teorija glagola, predstavljena sta glagola be (biti) in have (imeti) v različnih funkcijah in časih. Predstavljena je tudi teorija aspekta, poleg tega pa je natančneje obdelana teorija o naslednjih angleških časih oz. aspektih: present progressive, past progressive, present perfective, past perfective. Empirični del naloge temelji na analizi dveh omenjenih glagolov. V delih Dana Browna, Da Vinčijeva šifra, ter Jane Austen, Prevzetnost in pristranost, so poiskani in razčlenjeni glagoli v različnih časih oziroma aspektih, prepisani v angleščini in slovenščini. Izbor prepisanih glagolov smo omejili na dva aspekta, in sicer progressive in perfective, pri katerih je podana uporaba le-tega. Na koncu so glagoli prešteti in podana je analiza uporabe glagolov v ameriški in britanski angleščini ter analiza, kako se določeni aspekti prevajajo v slovenščino. Na osnovi ugotovljenega se glagol have v present perfectu izgublja predvsem v ameriški angleščini, medtem ko pa se past progressive uporablja več. Poleg tega smo ugotovili, da se present perfect in past perfect v slovenščino večinoma prevajata v preteklem času, progressive pa v prevodu ohranja funkcijo trajanja. Metodologija diplomskega dela temelji na empiričnem delu, kjer je uporabljena metoda analize in sinteze, ter na teoretičnem delu, kjer je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda. |