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Razrednik in njegovo vodenje razreda je naslov diplomskega dela, s katerim sem želela bolje spoznati delo razrednika in njegovo vodenje razreda. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti mnenje razrednikov o njihovi usposobljenosti za vodenje razreda, njihovo počutje v vlogi vodje razreda ter njihove značilnosti vodenja razreda. Pri raziskovalnem delu sem uporabila deskriptivno in kavzalno-neeksperimentalno metodo empiričnega pedagoškega raziskovanja. Želene podatke sem zbrala s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Ugotovila sem, da je večina razrednikov mnenja, da so bili oz. so kot začetniki deloma usposobljeni za vodenje svojega razreda. V 1. triadi prevladujejo razredniki, ki se v vlogi vodje razreda počutijo zelo dobro, medtem ko v 3. triadi prevladujejo razredniki, ki se počutijo dobro. Uporabljajo posamezne prijeme, ki pripomorejo k oblikovanju razreda v kakovostno skupino, in pogosto oz. zelo pogosto uporabljajo posamezne načine za vzpostavljanje boljše razredne klime. Največji poudarek jih večina daje medosebnim odnosom. Razredniki v 3. triadi tem razrednih ur ne izbirajo sami, ampak k sodelovanju povabijo tudi učence. Glede na rezultate raziskave lahko torej sklepam, da prevladujejo razredniki, ki se v razredu trudijo vzdrževati dobro vzdušje in s tem pripomorejo k dobremu počutju ne le njih samih, temveč tudi učencev. Class Teachers and Their Class Management is the title of my diploma paper, where I researched the work of a class teacher and how to manage a class of students. The purpose of my research work was to find out what class teachers think about their ability to manage the class of students, the feelings they have as being leaders of their class and the characteristics of running and managing the class. In my research work I used the descriptive and non-experimental method of the empirical pedagogical research. I used a questionnaire to gather the information. The results of my research showed that most of the class teachers thought they were partially qualified for running their classrooms. In the first triad there are class teachers who feel very good in the role of a class teacher, whereas in the third triad the class teachers feel good. They use different methods for establishing good relationships in the class and very often use special ways to provide a better atmosphere in the class. The biggest emphasis is put on the interpersonal relationships. Class teachers in the third triad do not choose their class lessons themselves, but invite students to cooperate. The results of my research work remind me that there are class teachers who try to maintain a positive atmosphere in the class and therefore help everyone feel good, not only themselves but also students. |