Employee notifications and service of documents to employees by employers
Autor: | Turk, Urška |
Přispěvatelé: | Senčur Peček, Darja |
Jazyk: | slovinština |
Rok vydání: | 2018 |
Předmět: |
vročanje pisanj
nemško pravo obveščanje delavca fikcija vročitve avstrijsko pravo service of documents employer's obligations obračun plače elektronska pošta reinstatement vrnitev v prejšnje stanje statement of remuneration paid obveznosti delodajalca fiction of service employment cancellation notice udc:331.106(043.3) Austrian law German law odpoved pogodbe o zaposlitvi employee notifications |
Zdroj: | Maribor |
Popis: | V magistrskem delu so sistematično predstavljeni primeri, v katerih zakonodajalec delodajalcu nalaga obveznost obveščanja delavca glede na posamezne faze delovnega razmerja. ZDR-1 v večini primerov določa pisno obliko obvestila, ustna oblika je določena le izjemoma. Zakonodajalec je na nekaterih mestih predpisal obveščanje delavcev na pri delodajalcu običajen način in že sam ponudil možne načine obveščanja. Z namenom poenostavitve postopka obveščanja je ZDR-1 v določenih primerih na novo določil, da je mogoče delavce obveščati tudi po elektronski pošti. Zakon ne ponuja odgovora na vprašanje, kdaj se pisanje poslano na tak način šteje za vročeno, zato je v magistrskem delu podan predlog rešitve. Prav tako ni jasno, ali lahko delodajalec delavce obvešča po elektronski pošti tudi v primerih, ko tega načina ZDR-1 izrecno ne določa, kot npr. glede obračuna plače. Glede na to, da so vanj vključeni varovani osebni podatki, bi lahko sklepali, da se je zakonodajalec namenoma odločil za takšno ureditev. Magistrsko delo obravnava vročanje odpovedi v slovenskem delovnem pravu, prav tako pa tudi precej drugačne pristope nemškega in avstrijskega delovnega prava. Največ težav pri nas povzroča vročanje odpovedi po pošti, ki se je skozi čas precej spreminjalo. Ustavno sodišče je razveljavilo četrti odstavek 88. člena ZDR-1 glede vročanja odpovedi s priporočeno pošiljko s povratnico, saj je ureditev z vidika pravice do sodnega varstva štelo za ustavno sporno. Nemška in avstrijska delovnopravna ureditev glede vročanja odpovedi po pošti vsaka na svoj način težita h kompromisu med omogočanjem dejanske seznanitve delavca z odpovedjo in preprečevanjem izogibanja vročitvi, za kar bi si bilo potrebno prizadevati tudi pri oblikovanju nove ureditve vročanja po pošti v ZDR-1. Magistrsko delo opozarja tudi na neprimernost določitve roka za vložitev tožbe iz tretjega odstavka 200. člena ZDR-1 kot materialnega, kar delavcem tudi v primeru opravičljivih razlogov za zamudo roka onemogoča vrnitev v prejšnje stanje. Z zadnjo, prav tako procesno temo, pa se želi opozoriti na pomembnost pravilnega štetja rokov slovenskih sodišč v povezavi z nastopom fikcije vročitve, saj je nanjo vezan začetek teka roka za vložitev tožbe. The master's thesis provides a systematic overview of situations where employers are required by law to notify their employees of respective employment relationship stages. The Employment Relationship Act (ZDR-1) stipulates that notifications be communicated in writing, with verbal notifications only admissible in exceptional circumstances. In places, the legislator prescribed employee notification methods that are customary for employers, already setting out the possible methods of notification. To simplify the notification process, the Employment Relationship Act in certain situations prescribed that employees may also be notified by e-mail. The Act, however, fails to address the issue as to when a document presented in that way is considered served, so the master's thesis puts forward a proposed solution in this respect. It is also unclear whether an employer is allowed to notify his employees by e-mail in situations not explicitly stated in the Employment Relationship Act, such as regarding statements of remuneration paid. Given that these statements contain protected personal data, it may be concluded that the legislator made a conscious decision to put such an arrangement in place. The master's thesis deals with the service of employment cancellation notices in Slovenian labour law and also examines different approaches adopted by the labour laws of Germany and Austria. The service of employment cancellation notices by post, which has seen major changes through time, is what causes the most problems in Slovenia. The Constitutional Court revoked Article 88, paragraph 4 of the Employment Relationship Act regarding the service of employment cancellation notices by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt, deeming this arrangement as constitutionally questionable in terms of the right to judicial protection. The German and Austrian labour law arrangement governing the service of employment cancellation notices by post seek – each in its own way – to strike a balance between facilitating the actual communication of employment cancellation to employees and preventing the avoidance of employees from being served this is something that should have been pursued in formulating the new arrangement for service of documents by post in the Employment Relationship Act as well. The master's thesis also highlights the unsuitability of laying down time limit for initiating legal action under Article 200, paragraph 3 of the Employment Relationship Act as substantive time limit, which prevents employees from seeking reinstatement despite having justifiable reasons for missing the deadline. The last topic addressed, also relating to rules of procedure, aims to underline the importance of correctly determining the time limits of Slovenian courts in connection with the occurrence of fiction of service, which marks the beginning of the time limit for initiating legal action. |
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