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V teoretičnem delu tega magistrskega dela opisujemo splošna teoretična izhodišča o stresu. V nadaljevanju opisujemo stres na delovnem mestu ter pomembne posledice stresa, ki vplivajo na storilnost na delovnem mestu, posebno pozorost namenimo poklicnemu stresu pri učiteljih. V zaključku teoretičnega dela opisujemo posebnosti učiteljskega poklica, ki vplivajo na stresnost poklica, posebno pozornost namenimo razredništvu in poučevanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami. V empiričnem delu, v katerem je sodelovalo 113 učiteljev razrednikov iz osnovnih šol podravske regije, preučujemo razlike v pojavljanju simptomov stresa glede na spol, delovno dobo, lokacijo šole, razred ter število otrok s posebnimi potrebami v razredu, sledi pa preučevanje razlik v pojavnosti stresnih situacij glede na naštete generalije. V empiričnem delu preučujemo tudi povezavo med pogostostjo pojavljanja stresnih situacij in pogostostjo pojavljanja simptomov stresa. Ugotavljamo, da ne obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v pojavljanju simptomov stresa glede na spol, delovno dobo, razred in število otrok s posebnimi potrebami, do statistično značilnih razlik pa prihaja glede na lokacijo šole. Pri pogostosti pojavljanja stresnih situacij ne prihaja do statistično značilnih razlik glede na spol, lokacijo, razred in število otrok s posebnimi potrebami, statistično značilne razlike pa se kažejo glede na delovno dobo učiteljev. In the context of the theoretical part of this Master’s Thesis, we describe the theoretical basis of stress. Thereafter, we describe occupational stress and the important effects of stress on workplace efficiency, while paying special attention to the occupational stress of teachers. In the conclusion of the theoretical part, we outline the peculiarities of the teaching profession which affect its stress levels, while focusing on class teaching and teaching children with special needs. In the empirical part, which included 113 primary school class teachers from the Podravska region, we study the differences in the occurrence of stress symptoms in terms of gender, seniority, location of the school, class and the number of children with special needs in the class, which is followed by the analysis of differences in the incidence of stress situations in relation to the listed generalities. We also examine the correlation between the frequency of occurrences of stressful situations and the frequency of occurrences of stress symptoms. We found that there are no statistically significant differences in the occurrences of stress symptoms with regard to gender, seniority, class and the number of children with special needs however, statistically significant differences occur with regard to the location of the school. There are also no statistically significant differences in the occurrences of stressful situations with regard to gender, location, class and the number of children with special needs however, we observed statistically significant differences with regard to the seniority of teachers. |