Serial killers through time

Autor: Zorman Puher, Anja
Přispěvatelé: Bren, Matevž
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Ljubljana
Popis: Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na opredelitev pojma serijskih morilcev ter dejavnikov značilnosti in delitev le-teh v različne kategorije. Pregled motivov, načinov in faktorjev, ki so vplivali na samega morilca, ter njihovi življenjski dejavniki so pomembni pri ugotovitvi trendnih značilnosti glede števila serijskih umorov skozi čas. Hipoteze diplomskega dela so bile zastavljene tako, da naj bi predstavljale splošno razmišljanje družbe o osebi »serijski morilec« in kaj v družbi ta oseba predstavlja. Tako diplomsko delo poskuša ugotoviti, ali so splošna razmišljanja družbe pravilna ali ne in v katerih vidikih odstopajo od realne slike in realnih podatkov o serijskih morilcih. Teoretični del diplomskega dela se osredotoča na psihološke dejavnike in vzorce ter podpise, preko katerih je mogoče lažje definirati, zakaj je oseba postala serijski morilec. Nadaljnje se v drugem delu teoretičnega dela diplomsko delo osredotoča na žrtve ter preiskovanje umorov. S pomočjo teh dveh temeljev pa v primerjalni analizi serijskih morilcev nato lažje opredelimo rezultate sodnega pregona, kot so kazni, in lažje razumemo organiziranosti tipa morilca, njegovega motiva in načina umora. V zaključku diplomskega dela imamo predstavljene rezultate analize posameznih serijskih morilcev kakor tudi trendno analizo ter posamezne hipoteze. Diplomsko delo je tako prišlo do ugotovitev glede trenda, ki se kaže, ter do ugotovitev, kateri dejavniki so najbolj poglavitno vplivali na serijske morilce. The diploma thesis focuses on defining the term 'serial killer' and their attributes, characteristics, and classification into different categories. An overview of the motives, modes, and factors influencing the serial killer and their lifestyle are important for determining the trend characteristics in the number of serial murders through time. The hypotheses of the diploma thesis were designed in order to present the general attitude of society to the person that is a serial killer and what this person represents to society. In this way, the diploma thesis aims to establish whether the general views of society are correct or not and in which way they deviate from the real picture and the real data on serial killers. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis focuses on the psychological factors, patterns, and signatures, through which the definition of why a person became a serial killer is facilitated. Further on in part two of the theoretical part, the diploma thesis focuses on the victims and the investigation of the murders themselves. Based on two cornerstones, in the comparative analysis of serial killers, we can then more clearly define the results of persecution, such as sentences, and we have a clearer understanding of the organisation of the type of killer, their motive and manner of murder. In the conclusion of the diploma thesis, we present the results of the analysis of individual serial killers, as well as the trend analysis and individual hypotheses. The diploma thesis thus reaches conclusions regarding the apparent trend and which factors played a prominent role in the shaping of serial killers.
Databáze: OpenAIRE