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V zaključnem delu je prikazana analiza vplivov, ki delujejo na konstrukcijo, ter računalniški model konstrukcije z nadomestno diagonalo in nadomestno debelino. Izračunana je lastna, stalna, koristna, vetrna, snežna in potresna obtežba. Prav tako je izračunana togost sten in celotne konstrukcije. Zatem smo s pomočjo programa Tower 7 izvedli modalno analizo konstrukcije na dva načina – z nadomestno diagonalo in nadomestno debelino. Dobljene rezultate smo podali v tabeli in v zaključku podali sklep ter smernice. The conclusion presents the analysis of the effects, which influence the construction, as well as the computer model of the construction with an alternative diagonal and alternative thickness. The dead, imposed, wind, snow and earthquake loads have been calculated, along with the wall stiffness and the stiffness of the construction as a whole. Subsequently, the modal analysis of the construction has been made with the help of Tower 7 programme. Moreover, the analysis has been made two different ways – with the alternative diagonal and the alternative thickness – and the results can be found displayed in the table. As a closure, certain guidelines have been added, along with the crucial findings. |