Refusal of trademark registration on the ground of conflict with public order and acceptable principles of morality

Autor: Fridau, Elena
Přispěvatelé: Repas, Martina
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Znamka, ki nasprotuje javnemu redu ali morali, posebej, če je množično izpostavljena v javnosti in drugih občilih, lahko z njeno motečo ali žaljivo vsebino prizadene javnost. Problem, ki se v zvezi s takšnimi znamkami, ki nasprotujejo javnemu redu ali morali, pojavlja je, da ni podana končna definicija pojma javnega reda in morale. Hiter razvoj trgovine in spremembe v družbi pripeljejo do tega, da se pogled na to, kako se naj razlaga pojem javnega reda in morale, nenehno spreminja. Diplomsko delo vsebuje dva dela. Prvi del razčlenjuje postopek registracije znamke. Predstavljen je postopek registracije znamke v Republiki Sloveniji, pri čemer, so predstavljene tudi ostale možnosti registracije znamke, glede na zahteve prijavitelja. Drugi del pa izčrpno obravnava pojem javnega reda in morale, ter razmejitev med primeri, ki nasprotujejo javnemu redu ali morali, in tistimi, ki nimajo take narave. Pojem javnega reda in morale je analiziran skozi prizmo sodnih odločb, strokovnih člankov, smernic in definicij. Ugotavlja se, da bi morebitna ozka razlaga tega pojma vodila v omejevanje prostega pretoka blaga v notranjem trgu EU in svobode izražanja. Dejstvo, da je prost pretok blaga prvo od štirih temeljnih svoboščin notranjega trga EU in, da je svoboda izražanja z Ustavo zagotovljena pravica, kaže na to, da je pojem javnega reda in morale in razlaga le-tega pomembna tema. A trademark that opposes public order or morality, especially if it is widely exposed to the public and other media, may be affected by its disruptive or offensive content. The problem that arises in connection with such trademarks, which are contrary to public order or morality, is that there is no definitive definition of the notion of public order and morality. The rapid development of trade and changes in society leads to constantly changing the view of how the notion of public order or morality should be interpreted. The project work contains two parts. The first part breaks down the procedure for registering a trademark. The procedure for registering a trademark in the Republic of Slovenia will be presented, with the other possibilities of registering the trademark, as well as the requirements of the applicant. The second part extensively deals with the notion of public order and morality, as well as the demarcation between cases that are contrary to public order or morality, and those that do not have such a nature. The concept of public order and morality is analyzed through the prism of court decisions, expert articles, guidelines and definitions. It is noted that a narrow interpretation of this notion would lead to the restriction of the free movement of goods in the internal market of EU and the freedom of expression. The fact, that the free movement of goods is the first of the four fundamental freedoms of the internal market of EU and, that the freedom of expression is guaranteed by the Constitution shows, that the notion of public order and morality, and the interpretation of it, is an important topic.
Databáze: OpenAIRE