Renovation of the villa Rafut

Autor: Premrl, Sandi
Přispěvatelé: Sapač, Igor
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Osrednja naloga projektne naloge je prenova vile Rafut z vratarnico. Vila je zaradi avtorja – arhitekta Laščaka izrednega pomena za ožjo in širšo okolico. Je tudi edinstven primer neoislamske arhitetkture v slovenskem prostoru. V projektni nalogi na podlagi analiz prostora podajamo predlog fukcionalne ureditve celotnega rafutskega kompleksa. Nekoč eksotični vrt pred vilo smo združili z zahodnim, trenutno še neurejenim delom parka. Tako smo pridobili kvalitetno zeleno površino, ki bi lahko postala mestni park, kar bi pripomoglo k izboljšanju kvalitete življenja med prebivalci obeh Goric. Z umestitvijo turističnega centra v vratarnico in Laščakove spominske sobe bi obogatili turistično ponudbo mesta. Zunanjost vile smo zaradi neprimerne sanacije poškodb iz 2. sv. vojne sanirali v prvotno stanje, notranjost pa prilagodili novi uporabi. Na vzhodni, delno vkopani fasadi smo predvideli dodatne prostore za potrebe nove namembnosti. V vilo smo umestili javno funkcijo, ki omogoča njeno prezentacijo in ohranjanje. This project work deals with the renovation of Villa Rafut and its lodge. The villa is very important for both its immediate and extended surrounding region because of its architect: Antonio Lasciac. It represents a unique example of neoislamic architecture in the Slovenian region. In this project work we propose a functional arrangement of the Rafut complex based on analyses of the surrounding space, exposing the unbreakable bond between the villa and its garden. The once exotic garden in front of the villa would be connected to the currently non-landscaped western park. This way, quality green surroundings would be gained with the purpose of transforming them into a city park, thus contributing to the improvement of the quality of life for inhabitants of Nova Gorica and Gorizia. By changing the lodge into a tourist center incorporating a Lasciac memorial room, we would also add to the tourist offerings of the city. In order to deal with the inappropriate restoration following the damages suffered during WW2, the exterior of the villa would be restored to its original state and the interior would be adjusted to serve its new function. The villa would thus gain a public function, which would enable its representation and preservation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE