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Obveščevalna dejavnost je v družbi prisotna vse od njenega začetka in je neprecenljivo orožje vsake države. Obveščevalne službe so ključnega pomena pri moči in varnosti posamezne države. Vohunstvo je eden izmed načinov izvajanja te dejavnosti. S pomočjo tajnih sodelavcev države pridobivajo pomembne tajne informacije, ki lahko vplivajo na delovanje države v mednarodnih odnosih. Skozi zgodovino človeštva je delovalo mnogo tajnih sodelavcev, ki so posredovali ključne informacije v obdobjih vojn in krize. Ti so se zapisali v zgodovino kot vojni heroji ali izdajalci svoje domovine. Eden izmed teh je bil tudi Harold Adrian Russell Philby, znan tudi kot Kim Philby izdajalec Velike Britanije in heroj Sovjetske zveze. Bil je vohun britanskega rodu, ki je svoje življenje posvetil komunizmu in njeni ideologiji. V zgodovino se je zapisal kot najuspešnejši dvojni agent v času 2. sv. vojne in v času hladne vojne. Zbiral je obveščevalne podatke v samem središču Britanske obveščevalne službe, ki jih je nato spretno in tajno posredoval Sovjetski zvezi ter tako vplival na številne tajne operacije, posredno tudi na izid 2. sv. vojne. V študentskih letih se je odločil za komunizem in sledil tej ideologiji do konca življenja. S svojim delovanjem v Avstriji je vzbudil pozornost Sovjetske obveščevalne službe, ki ga je rekrutirala z namenom infiltracije Britanske obveščevalne službe. Bil je ustanovitelj in vodja Cambriške vohunske mreže, ki je v času svojega delovanja posredovala pomembne obveščevalne podatke Sovjetski zvezi, in sicer o Veliki Britaniji in o Združenih državah Amerike. Philby se je spretno vzpenjal po hierarhični lestvici Britanske obveščevalne službe in skoraj dosegel sam vrh te organizacije. V času svoje kariere je spoznal veliko vplivnih ljudi, ki so mu zaupali največje skrivnosti obveščevalnega sveta. Philbyjeva kariera je bila polna obveščevalnih uspehov in je trajala dobra tri desetletja, preden so ga odkrile britanske in ameriške oblasti. Usodni udarec je prejel s prebegom sočlanov svoje vohunske naveze Macleana in Burgessa k Sovjetom leta 1951. V svoji dolgoletni karieri je posredoval Sovjetski zvezi več sto tajnih dokumentov in tako ogrozil številne obveščevalne operacije in življenja mnogih tajnih sodelavcev, ki so delovali po vsem svetu. Njegov prispevek se je odražal v mednarodnih odnosih obveščevalnih služb in na političnem področju. Bil je tudi vir navdiha mnogim avtorjem, ki so njegovo kariero dvojnega agenta uporabili pri pisanju literature in snemanju filmov. Intelligence is present in society from its beginning and it is a priceless weapon of every country. Intelligence services are crucial in the power and security of each country. Espionage is one of the ways to implement this activity. With the help of undercover agents, states acquire important secret information that can affect the functioning of the country in international relations. Through the history of mankind, many undercover agents have operated and have provided key information in the periods of war and crisis. They have been written into history as war heroes or traitors of their homeland. One of those was also Harold Adrian Russell Philby, also known as Kim Philby, a traitor of Great Britain and a hero of the Soviet Union. He was a spy with British roots who devoted his life to communism and its ideology. He has been written into history as the most successful double agent in the time of the Second World War and during the Cold War. He collected intelligence information at the very heart of the British Intelligence Service, which was then cleverly and secretly passed to the Soviet Union and thus influenced many covert operations, also indirectly the outcome of the Second World War. In his student years, he chose communism and followed this ideology for the rest of his life. With his activity in Austria, he caught the attention of the Soviet Intelligence Service, which recruited him with the purpose of infiltration into the British Intelligence Service. He was the founder and the leader of the Cambridge Spy network, which at the time of its operation forwarded important intelligence information to the Soviet Union, namely about the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Philby was skilfully climbing up the hierarchical scale of the British Intelligence service and almost reached the top of the organization. During his career he met many influential people who entrusted him with the greatest secrets of the Intelligence world. Phillip's career had been full of intelligence successes and had lasted for three decades before the British and the American authorities discovered him. He received his fatal blow by the defection of his own fellow spies from the spy ring, Maclean and Burgess, when they fled to the Soviet Union in 1951. In his long career, he passed to the Soviet Union several hundreds of secret documents and thus compromised numerous intelligence operations and the lives of many undercover agents who were active all over the world. His contribution was reflected in the international relations of Intelligence services and in the political field. He was also a source of inspiration to many authors who used his double agent's career in writing literature and filming movies. |