Autor: Jakupović, Sara
Přispěvatelé: Korez-Vide, Romana
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Hrastnik
Popis: Kot lahko razberemo iz diplomskega seminarja, je za mednarodnega tržnika zelo pomembno, da pred vstopom v tujo državo dobro preuči njeno kulturo in vse pridobljene podatke dobro in spretno uporabi sebi v prid. V diplomskem seminarju smo opredelili islamsko kulturo ter njene značilnosti in tako dokazali, da se močno razlikuje od ostalih kultur. S pomočjo primerjalne analize med islamom in krščanstvom smo prišli do ugotovitev, da sta si kljub nekaterim podobnostim kulturi precej različni. Razlikujeta se predvsem po ciljih vere, statusu žensk, prerokih in verskih zakonih. Kultura je že v zgodovini imela velik pomen in do danes se je le povečal. Kulturo so ustvarili naši predniki in jo predali nam, da jo cenimo in spoštujemo še naprej. Pomembno je, da se tega pomena zavedamo in ga upoštevamo takrat, ko pridemo v stik s pripadniki drugih kultur. Tako kot je to pomembno za nas, naj bi bilo tudi za podjetja in vse druge organizacije. As it can be seen from the graduate seminar, it is very important for a marketing professional to study a culture of a foreign country before entering its market. It is important that all information are well used for his or her advantage. In the graduate seminar we define islamic culture and its characteristics and prove that it differs significantly from other cultures. Through a comparative analysis between islam and christianity, we came to the conclusion that despite some similarities, these two cultures are quite different. They differ mainly according to the objectives of religion, the status of women, prophets and religious law. Culture has had a great importance already in the history and to date it has been only increased. Culture has been created by our ancestors and it has been handed to us to continue to appreciate and to value it. It is important to be aware of this importance and consider it when we come into contact with people from other cultures. Just as it is important for us, it should be important for companies and any other organizations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE