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Zaradi nenehnega tehnološkega razvoja je za banko zelo pomembno, da je v stiku z novimi trendi, da jim sledi in se na njih tudi odziva. Saj bo le tako lahko izboljšala svojo ponudbo in tako komitentom ponudila še boljše storitve, kot njihovi konkurenti. S tem si bo povečala zaupanje ljudi in si pridobila več komitentov ter si povečala možnost obstoja. Diplomsko nalogo smo razdelili na dva dela, teoretični del in praktični del. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo se osredotočili na elektronsko bančništvo. Opredelili smo razvoj e-bančništva, oblike e-bančništva, storitve e-bančništva, prednosti in slabosti, s katerimi se srečujejo tako komitenti kot banke kakšna je varnost uporabe e-bančništva in s kakšnimi tveganji se lahko srečujejo, če se ne držijo varnostnih zapovedi ter kakšna je statistika uporabe e-bančništva. V praktičnem delu pa smo najprej predstavili vsako banko posebej, nato pa njihove spletne banke in mobilne banke primerjali med sabo, glede na izbrane kriterije. Because of the constantly technological development, it is very important for the bank to keep in touch with new trends, to follow them and to respond to them. Only then it will be able to improve their offer and to offer customers even better services than their competitors. This will increase people's trust so that they gain more customers and increase their chances of existence. The diploma thesis was divided into two parts, the theoretical part and the practical part. In the theoretical part we focused on electronic banking. We have defined the development of e-banking, the form of e-banking, services of e-banking, advantages and disadvantages with whom clients and banks face security of using e-banking and the risks they may face if they do not follow the security rules. We also researched the statistics of using e-banking. In the practical part, we first presented each bank individually, and then we compared their online banks and mobile banks with selected criteria. |