Developing a strategic program in a company active in the health tourism

Autor: Hribernik, Nisa Gabrijela
Přispěvatelé: Duh, Mojca
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Podjetja potrebujejo za svoj razvoj in obstoj ustrezna in zadovoljiva sredstva. Ker okolje podjetja ni statično in se stalno spreminja, se spreminjajo tudi razpoložljive dobrine za zadovoljitev potreb ter posledično tudi potrebe. Podjetja morajo vseskozi slediti spremembam na trgu in se jim ustrezno prilagajati. Trgi so pomembna sestavina življenjskega okolja podjetja, kjer se podjetja srečujejo in usklajujejo potrebe po dobrinah s svojo ponudbo. Najprej bomo proučili teoretična izhodišča integralnega managementa s poudarkom na strateškem managementu. Pridobljena teoretična spoznanja bomo v empiričnem delu uporabili pri oblikovanju strategij in določevanju strateških poslovnih področij ter pri izdelavi strateškega programa proučevanega podjetja. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela bomo najprej predstavili proučevano podjetje, njegov nastanek in ključne spremembe v razvoju podjetja. Podrobneje pa se bomo posvetili strategijam in strateškim poslovnim področjem podjetja. Izvedli bomo razvojno analizo vizije, politike in strategij ter strukturno analizo podjetja. Ocenili bomo razvojno zmožnost podjetja in predviden razvoj okolja proučevanega podjetja. Sledila bo proučitev okoljskih priložnosti in nevarnosti za podjetje, razvojnih prednosti in pomanjkljivosti ter celovita presoja notranjega in zunanjega okolja podjetja s pomočjo SWOT analize. Sintezo zunanjih dejavnikov bomo povzeli s pomočjo EFAS tabel, sintezo notranjih dejavnikov pa s pomočjo IFAS tabele. Na koncu bomo podali predlog strategij za podjetje in uresničitveni program planiranega razvoja podjetja. Companies need adequate and satisfactory means for their development and existence. Since the business environment is not static and is constantly changing, the available goods as well as consequently needs are also changing. Companies have to constantly follow the market changes and adapt to them accordingly. Markets are an important component of the business environment where companies meet and match the needs for goods with their offers. First, we will explore the theoretical principles of integral management with the emphasis on strategic management. The acquired theoretical findings will be used in the empirical part while formulating the strategies, determining strategic business areas, and developing the strategic program of the researched company. In the empirical part, we will first present the researched company, the company formation, and the key changes in the development of the company. Next, we will focus on the strategies and the strategic business areas of the company. We will conduct a developmental analysis of the vision, policies and strategies, and the structural analysis of the company. Then, we will evaluate the business development capabilities and the anticipated development of the researched business environment. Next, we will examine the environmental opportunities and the potential business threats, as well as the development strengths and weaknesses. The SWOT analysis will help us assess the internal and external environment globally. We will be using the EFAS tables for the synthesis of the external factors the IFAS table will be used for the synthesis of the internal factors. In the end, we will table a motion of the business strategies and of the implementation program of the company's planned development.
Databáze: OpenAIRE