Autor: Prah, Rok
Přispěvatelé: Zorman, Milan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V diplomski nalogi je prikazana implementacija programa za prikaz podatkov preko OBD-II Najprej spoznamo standard OBD, njegovo zgodovino in razvoj, natančneje so predstavljene tudi razlike med standardoma OBD-I ter OBD-II. Pozneje se seznanimo z lastnostmi protokola OBD-II in proučimo delovanje povezave med avtomobilom ter prenosno napravo. Program smo implementirali v programskem jeziku C#, in sicer v Microsoftovem orodju Visual Studio 2010. Implementiran je za operacijski sistem Windows ter ima značilnost Windows form aplikacij. V tem primeru gre za univerzalni program, ki lahko prebere podatke iz nadzorne enote motorja pri večini sodobnih avtomobilov izdelanih po letu 2001. Program je prilagojen delovanju z vmesnikom ELM 327 Interface bluetooth. Program je namenjen avtomehanikom, da pridobijo določene podatke o samem delovanju avtomobila in ostalim uporabnikom avtomobila, kateri se želijo malo poglobiti v stanje svojega vozila. This thesis presents the implementation of the computer program that enables the display of data using OBD-II. The first section introduces OBD standard, its history and development, and it is followed by detailed introduction of the differences between OBD-I and OBD-II standards. In later chapters we learn about the characteristics of OBD-II protocol and we examine how the connection between motor vehicle and portable device works. The computer program was implemented in programming language C# - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 tool. The computer program was implemented for Windows operating system and it has the features of Windows Forms applications. In this case we can talk about the universal computer program which can read the data from the engine control unit in the majority of motor vehicles/cars manufactured after 2001. The computer program was adjusted to work with ELM 327 Interface bluetooth. The program is aimed at auto mechanics to help them gather specific diagnostic information on vehicle performance and also at other car users who would like to improve the knowledge of their car’s condition.
Databáze: OpenAIRE