Autor: Žerjav, Gregor
Přispěvatelé: Fuchs Godec, Regina
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: S klasično potenciodinamsko metodo smo preučevali vpliv neionskega surfaktanta TRITON-X-100 na korozijo feritnega nerjavnega jekla X4Cr13 v 1M H2SO4 pri petih različnih temperaturah. Kritično miceljno koncentracijo uporabljenega surfaktanta smo določili na osnovi merjenja površinske napetosti. Inhibicijsko učinkovitost smo izračunali pri različnih temperaturah in sicer v območju od 25 oC do 45 oC. Na podlagi meritev ugotavljamo, da učinkovitost inhibicije raste z večanjem koncentracije surfaktanta TRITON-X-100, medtem ko z naraščanjem temperature le–ta upada. Adsorpcija surfaktanta TRITON-X-100 sledi Flory-Hugginsovi adsorpcijski izotermi. Z uporabo termodinamskih enačb smo izračunali termodinamske parametre (ΔGads,, ΔHads , ΔSads). Nenazadnje smo izračunali tudi arrheniusov parameter in aktivacijsko energijo. Spreminjanje vrednosti aktivacijske energije v odvisnosti od koncentracije surfaktanta kaže na spremembo mehanizma adsorpcije surfaktanta TRITON-X-100 na površino jekla in sicer iz fizikalne adsorpcije do kemisorpcije. The corrosion inhibition characteristics of non-ionic surfactant TRITON-X-100 on feritic stainless steel type X4Cr13 in sulphuric acid was investigated by potentiodynamic polarisation measurements. We measured the values of the surface tension at 25 oC to estimate the critical micell concentration of surfactant TRITON-X-100 in 1 mol L-1 H2SO4. The inhibiting efficiency has been calculated in the presenc and in the absence of the inhibitor at five diferent temperatures. Inhibition efficiency incresa with increasing concentration of the surfactant, and decreases with the increasing temperature. Adsorption of the TRITON-X-100 obeys the Flory-Huggins adsorption isoterm. The termodynamic parameters(ΔGads,, ΔHads , ΔSads) have been calculated by employing termodinamic equations. We have evaluate the kinetic parameters such as, the apparent activation energy and the pre-exponential factor. The apparent activation energy is a non-monotonic function of concentration of the surfactant. It could be speculated, that later decreasing of the apparent activation energy at higher inhibitor concentration leads from t physisorption at lower inhibitor concentrations to the chemisorptions mechanisem of bonding between the inhibitor molecules and the iron surface.
Databáze: OpenAIRE