Autor: Matešič, Melita
Přispěvatelé: Bernik, Mojca
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Kranj
Popis: Na žalost se dandanes večina organizacij in managerjev še vedno ne zaveda človeškega kapitala in pomena zadovoljnih delavcev. Prepogosto prevladuje miselnost: »Če ti pri nas ni všeč, tam so vrata.« Zato ne čudi dejstvo, da je 89 % managerjev mnenja, da zaposleni odhajajo iz organizacije zaradi boljših plač. Resnica je ravno nasprotna. Raziskave pravijo, da kar 80 % zaposlenih odide iz organizacije zaradi takšnega ali drugačnega nezadovoljstva z obstoječim stanjem. Organizacije bi si morale prizadevati, da zadržijo tiste zaposlene, za katere obstaja dolgoročni interes ter vanje vlagati na dolgi rok. Vsi nezaželeni odhodi namreč pomenijo izgubo intelektualnega kapitala organizacije. Zaposleni morajo biti motivirani za delovanje v najboljšem interesu organizacije in svobodni pri sprejemanju odločitev in delovanju. V diplomski nalogi smo podrobneje predstavili razloge za prostovoljne odhode zaposlenih iz organizacij (prostovoljna fluktuacija). V prvem, teoretičnem delu, smo na podlagi strokovne literature definirali in orisali ključne pojme, povezane s fluktuacijo, kot so definicije pojava glede na različne vidike proučevanja, vrste, vzroki, dejavniki in posledice fluktuacije, merjenje in stopnje fluktuacije in druge. V drugem, empiričnem delu, pa smo na podlagi rezultatov izpolnjenih anketnih vprašalnikov med prodajnim osebjem v trgovinskem podjetju X d.o.o. poskušali zgoraj navedene pojme predstaviti s praktičnim prikazom. Prav tako smo si zastavili raziskovalna vprašanja, s katerimi smo želeli pojasniti oziroma potrditi ali ovreči nekatere teze o korelaciji starosti, stopnje izobrazbe in velikosti kraja dela s pogostostjo menjave zaposlitve pri prodajnem kadru. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je slaba plača le eden od vzrokov, vendar še zdaleč ne tako pomemben in prevladujoč kot zmotno menijo delodajalci in kot je razširjeno med ljudmi. Mnogo pomembnejši razlogi, ki vplivajo na posameznikovo odločitev za zamenjavo službe, so slabi pogoji dela, neorganiziranost organizacije, nezmožnost izkoriščanja svojih potencialov, majhne možnosti za rast in napredovanje, prevelika pričakovanja delodajalca oziroma delovne obremenitve, šibka podpora in pomanjkanje povratnih informacij vodstva in druge, ki bodo razdelane v samem diplomskem delu. Zato delavec začne raziskovati, kje bi imel boljše priložnosti in išče organizacije, ki bi nudile možnosti zadovoljitve določenih potreb in pričakovanj. Unfortunately, the major part of organizations and managers today are still not aware of the human capital and the meaning of satisfied employees. Too often there is a dominating idea that: ''If you do not like it here, there is the door.'' Therefore, the fact that 89 % of managers believe that the employees leave the organization for a better salary is not really surprising. The truth is quite opposite. The major part of employees, as many as 80% according to the researches, leave an organization due to different kinds of dissatisfaction with the current state. Organizations should strive to keep the employees of a long-term interest, as well as they should make long-term investments in them. Namely, all unwanted departures mean a loss of the intellectual capital in an organization. Employees have to be motivated to operate in the best interest of their organization, as well as they have to be free in the process of decision-making and operating. In this final thesis we presented in details the reasons for voluntary departures of employees from the organizations (voluntary turnover). Based on the professional literature, in the first, theoretic part of the thesis we defined and depicted the key concepts connected to turnover, such as the definitions of the phenomenon seen from different aspects of study, types, causes, factors and consequences of the fluctuation, as well as measuring and levels of fluctuation etc. According to the results of completed surveys among the sales personnel in the trading company X llc., the second, empirical part includes an attempt to present the above mentioned concepts using a practical presentation. We have also set some research questions in order to explain, confirm or refute some of the hypotheses on the correlation between the age, level of education and the size of the work place, and the frequency of changing employment among the sales personnel. The results of the research have shown that the bad salary is only one of the reasons, but not even by far the most important or prevailing reason, as the employers mistakenly think and as it is in people’s opinion. Far more important reasons influencing individual’s decision to change a job include poor working conditions, lack of organisation in the organization, inability to use all their potentials, low possibilities for growth and promotion, too big expectations of the employer or work load, weak support and lack of feedback offered by the management, as well as other reasons that are described in details in the thesis itself. Thus, an employee starts paying attention to better opportunities elsewhere and looking for organizations, where he or she could have better opportunities for the satisfaction of certain needs and expectations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE