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V magistrskem delu je predstavljena izdelava varilno-manipulativne celice. Gre za dejansko izveden projekt, ki v prvem delu opisuje zahteve stranke, v drugem delu pa je predstavljena izdelava varilno-manipulacijske linije. Opisani so izdelek in njegovi sestavni deli, varilne mize, na katerih se izdelek izdeluje, ter ključni elementi avtomatizacije. Predstavljeni so elementi varnosti, ki varujejo uporabnike in opremo, ter princip, po katerem delujejo. Opisani so del programa varilnih miz, glavne funkcije, ki se pri tem uporabljajo, in pogoji, ki morajo biti izpolnjeni za varno delovanje. Povzete so tudi naloge operaterja in delavca. Prav tako so opisane težave, ki so se pojavljale, nakar sledi še opis poteka zagona in testiranj. The following masters‘ thesis presents the production of a welding manipulator cell. As described, the project was put into effect. The first part describes the client’s demands and the second part consists of a thorough description of the welding manipulator line. The product and its parts, the welding desks they are produced on and the key elements of automation are described. Elements of safety which protect the user and the equipment as well as the principles they function by, are presented in the following section. Also described, is the part of the welding desks’ program, main functions being used by the program and the safety conditions. The operator’s as well as the worker’s jobs are summarized in this chapter, also describing consistent mechanical faults as well as the process of launching and testing the product. |