Constitutional and conventional protection of persons in police custody and detainees in Slovenia

Autor: Kobal, Ema
Přispěvatelé: Flander, Benjamin
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Ljubljana
Popis: Namen diplomske naloge je bil osvetliti pravice pridržanih in priprtih oseb v Sloveniji. Želeli smo ugotoviti, katera pravica je pridržanim in priprtim osebam najpogosteje kršena ali so priporočila nadzornih preventivnih mehanizmov upoštevana ter ali so pravna sredstva, ki jih imajo osebe, dovolj učinkovita, da z njimi odpravijo nastalo kršitev. V diplomskem delu smo uvodoma podrobneje opredelili pridržanje in pripor, ki spadata med primarne posege v človekovo osebno svobodo. Opredelili smo temeljne pravice, ki pripadajo pridržanim in priprtim osebam na podlagi predpisov in drugih aktov, ki veljajo v Republiki Sloveniji, tako notranjih pravnih aktov kot tudi mednarodnih pogodb in drugih mednarodnih dokumentov. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili delovanje nadzornih preventivnih mehanizmov, ki spremljajo in nadzorujejo ravnanje s pridržanimi in priprtimi osebami. Poleg tega smo predstavili tudi najpomembnejša pravna sredstva, ki jih imajo pridržane in priprte osebe. S pomočjo pregleda relevantne sodne prakse in poročil nadzornih preventivnih mehanizmov smo izpostavili probleme, do katerih prihaja pri ravnanju s pridržanimi in priprtimi osebami. Diplomsko nalogo smo zaključili s preverjanjem postavljenih hipotez. Ugotovili smo, da je prepoved mučenja, nečloveškega in ponižujočega ravnanja nedvomno ena izmed pravic, ki je pridržanim in priprtim osebam v Sloveniji pogosteje kršena. Poročila nadzornih preventivnih mehanizmov nakazujejo na to, da problem grdega in nečloveškega ravnanja še vedno ostaja. Nadzorni preventivni mehanizmi vsako leto najdejo kakšno težavo, ki bi jo bilo potrebno odpraviti. Zaradi finančnih in kadrovskih težav, njihova priporočila niso vedno uresničena. Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice je v svojih sodbah opozorilo, da slovenska pravna sredstva v določenih primerih ne dosegajo standardov 13. člena Evropske konvencije o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin. Pridržane in priprte osebe v Sloveniji nimajo dovolj učinkovitih pravnih sredstev, s katerimi bi lahko preprečile kršitve. The purpose of the diploma thesis was to highlight the rights of persons in police custody and detainees in Slovenia. We wanted to find out which right of persons in police custody and detainees is most often violated, whether the recommendations of the supervisory preventive mechanisms are taken into account and whether the remedies are enough efficient. At the beginning of the diploma thesis we defined police custody and detention. By means of key legal acts and international documents, we have defined the fundamental rights that are entitled to persons deprived of their liberty. In the following we have introduced the working of supervisory preventive mechanisms that are monitoring treatment of persons in police custody and detainees. In addition, we have also mentioned some of the legal remedies that are available to the persons. Through the review of relevant case law and the reports of the supervisory preventive mechanisms, we highlighted the problems that arise in dealing with the persons deprived of their liberty. We conclude the diploma thesis with the verification of hypothesis. We found out that the prohibition of torture is one of the rights of persons in police custody and detainees that is among rights that are frequently violated in Slovenia. The recent complaints in the reports of supervisory preventive mechanisms indicate that the problem of inhuman treatment still remains. Every year supervisory preventive mechanisms find some new problem, that needs to be solved. Due to financial and personnel problems, the recommendations of supervisory preventive mechanisms are difficult to implement. According to the European Court of Human Rights, Slovenian remedies do not meet the standards of Article 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Persons in police custody and detainees in Slovenia do not have efficient remedies to prevent violations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE