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El presente trabajo de estudio se realizó en la IMPRENTA “DON BOSCO” y tiene como objetivo brindar una solución integral al problema de temperatura y humedad relativa, que dentro de los límites de confort hacia el personal y a la materia prima en permanencia en esta zona, establezca una eliminación del calor existente en los espacios en permanencia. En el caso particular del sistema de acondicionamiento de aire, su implementación permitirá mantener el estado del aire en el interior de la imprenta previo realización de los cálculos respectivos para obtener las magnitudes ideales como: temperatura, humedad, movimiento de aire y pureza; independiente del clima exterior y de los procesos que se desarrollan en el local The currently study has based in “DON BOSCO PRINTING COMPANY”, which is focus in give an integral solution about temperature and relative humid problem that within of the comfort’s limits to staff and raw material stay in this area established a heat removal in the existing spaces permanently. In the particular case of air conditioning system it implementation will keep the air´s state of the printing previous realization of the respective calculations to obtain the ideal magnitudes such as: temperature, moisture, air movement and purity; independent of exterior weather and the processes that developed in- house. The team will have a cooling system with a heat transference agent, which will cool and dehumidify the air within of comfort range. The treated air will circulate in a duct work for the supply and return state air until a filler system that is inside of the equipment, which let to keep no contamination of the near sectors. |