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The superconducting material with a nominal composition BiI 6 Pb0 4 Sr2 Ca2 Cu3 Ox has been recently synthesized and characterized by the authors using the Q- factor method. The Q-factor data reported in this work shows Tc in the range 105K to 110K, in good agreement with previously reported results. The Q- factor versus temperature plots display a sharp drop near the superconducting transition. The penetration depth was found to vary with temperature, for example X, (77)= 3000 A° and X, (108) = 7000 A° These values are in good order of magnitude agreement with the measurements of other workers . The magnetic volume susceptibility for Bi - Pb - Sr - Ca - Cu - O has been measured at low temperature (77K), below T , and found to be % 87 450±100J.T2. m~3 . تمت دراسة وتحليل المادة Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O فأثقه التوصيل بواسطة معامل كيو . واتضح ان عمق الاختراق للمادة يتراوح بين 3000 - 7000 انجستروم وهذه النتائج توافقت مع ما تم نشره سابقا بطرق مختلفة . وكما أن القابلية المغناطيسية للمادة عند درجة حرارة 77 كلفن - 87450 جول/تسلة2/متر3 . |