Surface changes of Si[111] single crystals irradiated by high-dose swift heavy ions

Autor: Abou AL-Azm, S. M., Vlasukova, L. A., Didyk, A. Yu., Komarov, F. F., Kozodaev, M. A., Semina, V. K., Cheblukov, Yu. N., Hofman, A., KhaIiI, A.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2003
Popis: The surface changes of silicon [111] crystals under high-dose swift heavy ion irradiation were investigated. Si samples irradiated by 84Kr ions with the energy 253 MeV in fiuence interval (1-3)x1015 ion/cm2 didn’t discover any features on the surface and the amorphism of the volume. The damage doses in the area near the surface and near the damage Bregg peak of target for krypton and xenon ions at ion fiuence (Ft) = 1x101s ion/cm2 are calculated. The surface features observed on Si irradiated with 124-MeV 129Xe ions up to fluences 2.9x1018 ion/cmz seems to due the flecking and blistering. The creation of semi-spherical hillocks and other structures may be connected with the gas molecules accumulation near the surface under the irradiation, i.e.gas diffusion and desorption processes could take place.
Databáze: OpenAIRE