Transnational research programmes on environment: Analysis of ERA-Nets’ experiences and recommendations for good practices

Autor: Mashkina, Olga, Furman, Eeva, Mela, Hanna, Kivimaa, Paula
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Popis: ERA-Nets are networks of research funding organizations with the aim of promoting the creation of jointly coordinated and funded research programmes. Developing the European Research Area (ERA) and ERANets as an instrument of networking research funders are one part of the implementation of the Lisbon strategy to combine resources of different Member States and to improve the coordination and focus ofresearch and innovation activities in Europe. In planning and carrying out joint calls ERA-Nets have gained experience, responded to numerous challenges and developed good practices. This report analyses experiences of the environmental ERA-Nets in the process of preparation and implementation of the transnational calls, and based on this experience draws ”good practices” for the transnational calls, that future ERA-Nets do not have to ”invent the wheel” when planning their joint calls. The report continues the series of two previous reports on management of transnational calls, carried out by the Finnish Environment Institute under SKEP ERA-Net. The report contains general recommendations for each step of the process and typology of the ERA-Nets with specific recommendations depending on a type of funding network. These recommendations and good practices of the environmental ERA-Nets can be used for planning of the future joint calls of the ERA-Nets and to further develop and enhance joint collaboration between funding agencies and researchers of the EU Member States.
Databáze: OpenAIRE