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Waste from sugar mills and distilleries deposited in streams and rivers in the coastal areas of Natal was the subject of concern and inquiry between 1869 and 1901. The absence of latrines for indentured labourers housed on sugar estates meant the addition of faecal pollution to streams and rivers. Successive legislative attempts to address the issue were defeated through the opposition and influence of those in the sugar industry, labelled the "sugarocracy" by an earlier researcher. Although the Wragg Commission of inquiry into Indian immigration advocated specific measures to deal with the pollution of streams and rivers, its findings were ignored. One of the commissioners, James Saunders, a member of the "sugarocracy", submitted a minority report in which he disputed the contention that the quality of water in rivers and streams was "hazardous to health". Besides, Saunders's standpoint, the absence of a major epidemic as a result of pollution of streams and rivers diminished the credibility of the claim that those water sources posed a threat to public health. Die afval vanaf suikermeule en distilleerderye wat in die strome en riviere van Natalse kusgebiede gestort is, was 'n kommerwekkende kwessie van ondersoek tussen 1869 en 1901. Die afwesigheid van latrines vir kontrakarbeiders wat op suikerrietplantasies gewerk het, het 'n toename in die ontlastingsbesoedeling van hierdie waterweë veroorsaak. Herhaalde pogings om dié kwessie deur middel van wetgewing aan te spreek, is deur die invloedrykheid van belanghebbendes in die suikerbedryf teengestaan. Die Wragg-kommissie, wat getaak is met n ondersoek na Indiër-immigrasie, se bevindings in verband met spesifieke maatreëls ter bevegting van die besoedeling van strome en riviere is geïgnoreer. James Saunders, 'n kommissielid - maar ook belanghebbende in die suikerbedryf - het in 'n minderheidsverslag bevraagteken of die gehalte van stroom- en rivierwater werklik gesondheidsrisiko's ingehou het. Buiten Saunders se standpunt het die afwesigheid van 'n grootskaalse epidemie as gevolg van waterbesoedeling oënskynlik daarop gedui dat bewerings van gesondheidsrisiko's as gevolg van besoedelde waterweë ongegrond was. |