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Die vraag wat in hierdie artikel ondersoek word, is die verband tussen die gesag van Jesus se prediking en die doop wat deur Hom ingestel is. Die doel is om tot praktyk-teoretiese gevolgtrekkings te kom oor die uitwerking wat die gesag van Jesus se prediking op die doop mag hê. Eers word op die betekenis van die gesag van Jesus se prediking gefokus en vervolgens op die verband tussen die gesag van Jesus se prediking en die doop aan die hand van Matteus 28:18-20. Laastens word enkele praktyk-teoretiese afleidings daaruit vasstel vir die doop. Omdat Jesus se prediking in sy eenheid met sy Vader, sy volmag as Gestuurde en sy selfgetuienis begrond word, het sy prediking volstrekte gesag. Sy prediking bewerk wat dit verkondig en eis van die hoorder geloof. Die feit dat Jesus alle mag het, gee aan Hom die reg om die opdrag tot doop te gee. Die doop dien om Jesus se koningsheerlikheid te openbaar. Deur die doop laat Jesus sy seggenskap oor die lewe van die gedoopte en die doopouers geld en kan Hy ook van hulle onvoorwaardelike gehoorsaamheid eis. Die gesag word deur die prediking uit-geoefen, omdat Jesus sy gesag tot vandag toe deur die prediking voortsit. The question investigated in this article is what the relation is between the authority of the preaching of Jesus and the baptism that He instituted. The purpose is to reach practice-theoretical deductions regarding the effect what the authority of Jesus' preaching might have on the baptism. Firstly, the focus is on the meaning of the authority of the preaching of Jesus, and consequently on the relation between the authority of Jesus' preaching and the baptism based on Matthew 28:18-20. Lastly, the emphasis is on determining some practice-theoretical deductions of this for the baptism. Jesus' preaching is founded in his unity with his Father, his mandate as Messenger and his self-testimony. Therefore, his preaching has absolute authority. His preaching works that which it proclaims, and demands faith from the listener. The fact that Jesus has sovereign power, gives Him the right to give the command to baptise. Baptism serves to reveal Christ's divine glory. Through baptism Jesus sets his authority over the life of the baptised and the covenant parents, and as a result He can also demand unconditional obedience from them. His authority is enacted through preaching, because Jesus continues his authority in his preaching, even today. |