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Nijkamp affirms the Utopians' claim of an open and flexible future, where development could imply surprising steps towards something better. Castells questions admonishingly whether planning approaches are changeable in a world that has already changed. Following Davidoffs indications of making urban life beautiful, exciting and creative, planners encounter "surprising steps" within the planning approaches of compact cities, new urbanism, new ruralism, smart growth, green urbanism, and so on. In responding to Castells' "multidimensional change in the spatial dimension", the imagination of planners is intercepted, angling them towards a multifunctional planning advent. This article reasons that a combination of the new urbanism, green urbanism and new ruralism may be a beneficial response to multifunctionality, especially as megatrends emphasise the need to abandon the pursuit of a predictable single future or outcome. It questions whether the reciprocal use of these planning approaches may induce multifunctional rural landscapes. The uniqueness of the inherently rural South African landscape also necessitates a rural emphasis in this article, questioning whether the reciprocal use of the three planning approaches in the recently planned rural village of Verkykerskop, acclaimed by the Charter for New Urbanism in 2012, generated multifunctional rural land use. Nijkamp benadruk die utopiese aanspraak dat die toekoms oop en buigsaam is, waar ontwikkeling verrassende treë tot "iets beter" kan impliseer. Castell bevraagteken vermanend of beplanningsbenaderings kan verander in 'n wêreld wat reeds verander het. In Davidoff se siening dat die lewe in die stad gestalte kan vind in ' pragtige, opwindende en kreatiewe milieu, vind beplanners "verrassende treë" in die konsepte van kompakte stede, nuwe urbanisme, slim-groei, groen urbanisme, en dies meer. In reaksie op Castell se "multidimensionele verandering in die ruimtelike dimensie", word die verbeelding van beplanners aangegryp en ge-oriënteer na 'n multifunksionele beskouing van beplanning. Hierdie artikel voer aan dat die kombinering van die beplanningsbenaderings van nuwe urbanisme, "nuwe landelikheid" en groen urbanisme 'n moontlike antwoord vir multifunksionaliteit kan wees, veral aangesien mega-tendense benadruk dat daar wegbeweeg behoort te word van die soeke na ' voorspelbare en enkelvoudige uitkoms. Die artikel besin of die wedersydse toepassing van die drie beplanningsbenaderings moontlik multifunksionele landelike landskappe tot gevolg kan hê. Die uniekheid van die inherent landelike Suid-Afrikaanse landskap noodsaak ook 'n landelike fokus in hierdie artikel. Daar word bevraagteken of die wedersydse toepassing van die drie beplanningsbenaderings in die onlangs beplande landelike dorpie van Verkykerskop, wat in 2012 'n toekenning van die Charter for New Urbanism ontvang het, ' multifunksionele landelike grondgebruik in die hand werk. Nijkamp o tiisa tseko ya "the Utopians" ya bokamoso bo bulehileng, bo fetohang habobebe, moo teng ntshetsopele e ka hlahisang ditsela tse isang nthong e betere. Katamelo e entsweng ke Castells, e botsolotsa taba ya hore na mekgwa ya ho tobana le meralo e kgona ho fetoha lefatsheng le seng le fetohile. Ho latela pontsho ya Davidoff ya ho etsa bophelo ba toropo bo be botle, bo thabise le ho ba le mekgwa e metjha; bahlophisi ba kopana le "mehato e makatsang" dipakeng tsa mekgwa ya ditoropo tse nnyane, ketsobotjha ya toropo (NU), ketsobotjha ya mahae (NR), kgolo e ntle "green urbanism" (GU), le tse ding. Ho arabeng taba ya Castells ya "diphethoho tse ngata tekanyong ya sepakapaka" (multidimensional change in the spatial dimension), menahano ya bahlophisi e a thibelwa/sitiswa, e lebiswa lehlakoreng la moralo o nang le mesebetsi e mengata. Atikele ena e fana ka mabaka a hore kopanyo ya NU, GU le NR, e ka kgona hore e be ntho e nang le molemo bakeng sa ditshebeletso tse ngata, haholoholo ha ditlwaelo tsa batho ba bangata di hatella tlhoko ya ho emisa telekiso ya ho ba le bokamoso kapa sephetho se le seng. E botsolotsa hore ebe tshebediso ya mekgwa ena e neletsanang ya moralo e tla etsa bokgabane/botle ba dinaha tsa mahaeng/mapolasing na. Ho kgetheha ha bokgabane/botle ba dinaha tsa Afrika e Borwa, tseo e leng mahae/mapolasi ka tlhaho, bo hloka hore mahae/mapolasi a hlahelle atikeleng ena, bo botsolotsa tshebediso e neletsanang ya boraro (NU, GU le NR) "trio" ya mekgwa ya ho rala motse-mahae wa Verkykerskop o qetang ho ralwa nakong e seng kae e sa tswa feta. O rotloetswang ke Tjhata ya ketsobotjha ya toropo ka 2012 "the Charter for New Urbanism in 2012", e entseng ditshebetso tse ngata tsa lefatshe mahaeng/mapolasing. |