A New Space Launch Vehicle: Low Cost Access to Space Using Surplus Peacekeeper ICBM Motors

Autor: Schoneman, Scott, Chadwick, Mark, Amorosi, Lou
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Small Satellite Conference
Popis: Since the earliest days of space exploration intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) technologies and designs have been applied to launching satellites. This symbiosis continues in the development of a new space launch vehicle (SLV) utilizing surplus Peacekeeper ICBM motors. This is happening under a program managed by the Air Force Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP), SMC Det 12/RP. In January 2003, the contract for the Orbital Suborbital Program 2 (OSP-2) was awarded to Orbital Sciences Corporation, including the development of a Peacekeeper SLV. This contract continues the capabilities of the previous OSP contract for Minuteman ICBM derived launch vehicles, including the Minotaur SLV to provide responsive spacelift support to US Government sponsored spacecraft The flight proven heritage of the Minotaur, along with Orbital’s Pegasus and Taurus SLV’s, are being applied to this new Peacekeeper vehicle, providing a reliable, low risk solution to the challenge of low cost spacelift of up to 3600 lbm to low earth orbit.
Databáze: OpenAIRE