Les controles de qualité externes pour le laboratoire d'allergologie auprès du Centre suisse de contrôle de qualité de 2006 a 2008

Autor: Dayer, E., Kesseler, D., Morandi, Pierre-Alain, Albe, X., Roux-Lombard, Pascale
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Revue médicale suisse, Vol. 6, No 245 (2010) pp. 817-822
ISSN: 1660-9379
Popis: External assessment of analytical performance is part of the quality assurance in medical laboratory. These external controls are mandatory in Switzerland since 2006 for IgE analysis. The Swiss Society for Immunology and Allergy and the Swiss external quality centers had launched a program for total IgE, IgE specific for cat epithelium, birch pollen and peanut, and multi-specific IgE. They have set up criteria for proficiency assessment. Analysis of data obtained from 2006 to 2008 in the Quality Control Center Switzerland shows that results are very good for all the methods used and that a large number of participants fulfill the requirements to obtain the certificate of QUALAB conformity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE