Socialinis konstravimas : diskursinės perspektyvos supervizijoje link

Autor: Naujanienė, Rasa
Jazyk: litevština
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Socialinis darbas. Patirtis ir metodai, ISSN 2029-0470, 2010, [Nr.] 6(2), p. 59-74
Popis: Straipsnyje pateikiama supervizijos teorijos ir praktikos raida yra siejama su socialinių teorijų raida. Supervizija, prasidėjusi XIX amžiuje praktinių patarimų dalijimu, praėjusio šimtmečio paskutiniaisiais dešimtmečiais tapo savarankiška konsultavimo forma, kurios metodai vis dažniau grindžiami socialinio konstravimo perspektyvos idėjomis. Šios perspektyvos ištakos, pagrindinės idėjos ir jų taikymas supervizijos praktikoje yra aptariamos straipsnyje. The aim of publication is to discuss the development of supervision theory in relation with social and social work theory and practice. Main focus in the analysis is done to social constructionist ideas and its’ relevance to supervision practice. The development of supervision is related with supervision practice. Starting in 19th century supervision from giving practical advices supervision came to 21st century as dialog based on critical and philosophical reflection. Different theory and practice methods are developed in modern time. Starting in social work field supervision overstepped to other Professional fields. Association of National Organizations for Supervision in Europe notes that today’s supervisors “work as freelance consultants and they implemented the concept of supervision as a stand-alone profession with standardized trainings, systems of quality assurance based on lively professional and scientific discussion and ethical codes all over Europe”. Supervision primarily serves the development of individuals and organizations. It improves the Professional lives of individuals regarding their roles in institutional contexts ( The development of today’s supervision toward discursive approach is discussed in the article. In West Europe more and more supervisors use supervision methods based on social constructionist perspective. Foundations of social constructionist perspective as not a singular and unified perspective is presented and relevance... [to full text]
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