Sociological research of historical suburbs for their spatial structure modernisation (case of Vilijampolė, Kaunas)

Autor: Mačiukėnaitė, Justina
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai, ISSN 1648-8776, 2012, [Nr.] 2(35), p. 29-35
Popis: Istoriniai priemiesčiai yra unikalūs, tai specifinė miesto netoli centro dalis, jie egzistuoja nuo miestų įkūrimo pradžios. Tikslas - pagal sociologijos tyrimą identifikuoti ir ištirti specialius miesto architektūrinius elementus mieste ir priemiesčiuose. Historical suburbs are unique, specific parts of the city near the center of the city, they suburbs since the beginning of city founding. The aim of the paper is to identify and research specific urban - architectural elements of historical suburbs by employing a sociological survey. Historical suburbs in Eastern Europe were researched with reference to the examples in the Baltic countries: historical suburbs in Kaunas and Vilnius cities (Lithuania), Lastadia suburb in Riga (Latvia), Supilinn and Karlova suburbs in Tartu (Estonia). Based on literature and empirical studies, such values of suburbs were distinguished: archaic street network, valuable forms of plots and building morphotypes, green spaces, dominant low-rise wooden buildings, a formed particular social class. However, despite these valuable properties there is a common problem that involves preservation possibilities of historical suburbans: architectural, urban, social and preservation problems. A particularly relevant architectural problem is renovation and preservation of wooden buildings. In addition, wooden architecture reflects local building traditions in the city; therefore the sociological survey examine architectural - building issues and also public attitudes to the traditional environment developed by low-rise wooden buildings.
Databáze: OpenAIRE