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Straipsnyje aptariamos teorinės darbuotojo ir organizacijos interesų derinimo prielaidos analizuojant karjeros valdymo funkciją. Pristatoma idėja, kad karjeros valdymas organizacijoje leidžia suderinti organizacinius ir individualius veiksmus, patenkinti darbuotojo karjeros interesus ir organizacijai apsirūpinti reikiamu personalu. Vertinant iš darbuotojo pozicijos, tokia organizacijos žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo strategija leidžia teigti, kad darbuotojas, žinodamas savo perspektyvas organizacijoje, dirba efektyviau, atskleidžia savo gebėjimus ir patirtį siekdamas organizacijos tikslų. Straipsnyje laikomasi prielaidos, kad kiekviena organizacija, norėdama išlaikyti gabius ir kompetentingus darbuotojus, turi organizuoti sistemingą karjeros valdymą, paremtą darbuotojų karjeros interesų tenkinimu. The first part of the article includes the review of career management conception and career management in the strategy of human resources management and common strategy of organization, an overview of organizational and personal career management in the organization. In the other part of the article, an interview was carried out in order to find out the responsibility scale of the worker and the organization in the career management in the departments and services of Šiauliai University and to detect whether the University fulfils the workers’ career expectations. It helped to clear out the dominant opinion that career perspectives of staff of Šiauliai University administrative divisions mostly depend on their initiative and activity in planning and realizing their career in organization, but also unclosed insufficiently used organizational tools (information on vacant workplaces, activity assessment procedures, career plans), which could help a worker to understand, measure his or her possibilities and combine them with the needs of organization. |