Vertybės ar interesai? Moralumo paieškos Vakarų ir islamo civilizacijose

Autor: Razma, Ainis
Jazyk: litevština
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Politikos mokslų almanachas, ISSN 2029-0225, 2009, [T.] 5, p. 29-47
Popis: Straipsnyje keliamas klausimas, ar vertybės yra tinkamas pagrindas tarptautinei politikai. Šiandien tokią vertybinę užsienio politiką Vakarai laiko moralia. Tačiau tikėtina, jog kitos civilizacijos pripažįsta kitokias vertybes. Apžvelgus keletą diskursų, kuriuose nagrinėjamos vertybės ir interesai, atveriamas pamatinis civilizacinio suvokimo lygmuo. Šiame lygmenyje ryškėja, kad vertybėmis grindžiama tarptautinė politika veikiausiai tėra mesianistinė Vakarų iliuzija, ilgainiui galinti tapti pavojinga patiems Vakarams. There is a widespread opinion within the community of scholars of international relations that values and interests are incongruent or even contradicting one another. This concept dominates mass media which informs and comments on international politics. And what is even more important – it is implicit in a diplomatic practice of the West. The objectives of the latter are often explained as global efforts to spread the values of liberal democracy, rather than achieving or defending particular mercantile interests. As a result, values and interests take contradicting positions and are attributed by the different moral grades. The values-interests conflict is particularly acute in the West policy vis-a-vis Islamic countries. The fact that the current international relations discourse is exceptionally dominated by the realistic paradigm, giving no consideration to such normative aspects as values, strangely stands out of the context of publicly recognized moral superiority of value-based foreign policy. This dominating discourse on its own part influences the minds, thoughts, and opinions of policy-makers and diplomats, and through them shapes the very reality of international relations. Does values-interests conflict really exist or is it just a result of some intellectually inconsistent debate? The article shows that values and interests are the subject of various discourses. Moreover, deeply rooted in ethics, the values and interests debate acquires different meanings within... [to full text]
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