Romanian sociologists’ identity as reflected in their stories about the space they live in

Autor: Scarneci-Domnisoru, Florentina
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Socialiniai tyrimai, ISSN 1392-3110, 2013, [Nr.] 2(31), p. 70-80
Popis: Rumunijos sociologų asmenybės vaizdavimas pasakojimuose apie jų gyvenamąją vietą. The paper is the result of analysis of data obtained from 317 subjects, sociologists from Romania. Data were obtained from the story “my home” extracted from a more extensive research in the field of sociologists’ sociology. The stories were considered as an indirect test of identity, studied from a qualitative perspective; the characteristics of their living space and of the discourse used to describe it were considered as identity markers. Sociologists differed by gender and age when they were defining themselves through their “home”. The subjects were preoccupied with “beautiful”, recognized their value and were proud of what they have become, they were observant, demonstrated selfirony and intellect. The author approached the study of sociologists’ identity through a qualitative method drawing attention over the unexploited category of the subjects and the method that is not very often used.
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