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2001–2004 m. Kauno rajone buvo atlikti eksperimentiniai drėkinimo režimo tyrimai. Tirta drėkinimo įtaka ‘Senga Sengana’ veislės braškių ūkiniams ir biologiniams rodikliams. Nustatyta, kad drėkinimas turėjo didelės įtakos suminio derliaus priedui, vidutinei uogos masei, dauginimosi rodikliams bei lapo asimiliacinio paviršiaus plotui, todėl Lietuvos klimato sąlygomis braškes drėkinti yra tikslinga. 2001–2004 m. vidutinis derlius nedrėkinant buvo 7,8 t/ha, o drėkinant – 8 t/ha (70–100% LDI) ir 10,8 t/ha (80–100% LDI). Vidutinė vienos uogos masė nedrėkinant buvo 7,3 g, palaikant dirvožemio drėgmę nuo 70 iki 100% LDI– – 7,9 g, o nuo 80 iki 100% LDI – 8,2 g. Optimalios dirvožemio drėgmės sąlygomis (80–100% LDI) vieno braškių kero užaugintų skrotelių skaičius buvo 2,5 karto didesnis nei nedrėkinant. The investigations were carried out in the Middle Lithuania (Kaunas region) during 2001–2004. In the territory of investigations the soil was calcareus deeper gleyic leached soil, IDg4-k, (sod podzolic JPlv), mechanical composition – light loam on clay loam. Experimental investigations were focused on ‘Senga Sengana’ strawberry cultivar. The aim of the work was to determine the influence of irrigation on strawberry yield and others indicators. Irrigation effect on yield and other strawberry indicators have been analyzed and it was determined, that irrigation has a significant influence on the increase of total yield, fruit size, runner production and leaf assimilation area. The differences between irrigated and non-irrigated versions are essential and statistically significant (p – 0.05). In 2001–2004 average yield of non-irrigated strawberry was 7.8 t/ha and this one of irrigated – 8 t/ha (the first treatment 70–100% field capacity (FC)) and 10.8 t/ha (the second treatment 80–100% FC). Maintaining soil moisture conditions within the limits of 80–100% FC the increase of strawberry yield in comparison with non-irrigated was biggest – 3 t/ha (or 137.7% of non irrigated treatment). Under natural soil moisture conditions average weight of single berry in the treatment without irrigation was 7.1 g, and with irrigation (80–100% FC) – 8.2 g. The difference between the average weight of single berry in control and in the first treatment was 0.6 g and between control and the second... [to full text] |