Management of client participation in public services: selection of clients

Autor: Petukienė, Evandželina, Damkuvienė, Milda
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Socialiniai tyrimai, ISSN 1392-3110, 2012, [Nr.] 1(26), p. 45-52
Popis: Straipsnyje pristatoma aktuali marketingo tyrimų sritis – klientų dalyvavimo paslaugose valdymas. Dalyvavimo paslaugose valdymas konceptualizuojamas kaip atskirų, bet tarpusavyje susijusių veiklų visuma. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama vienai dalyvavimo valdymo veiklų – klientų atrankai. Tik aktyvus klientų dalyvavimas sukuria vertę abiem bendrame paslaugų kūrime dalyvaujančioms pusėms. Siekiant, kad klientai aktyviai įsitrauktų, jų dalyvavimą reikia kryptingai valdyti. Klientų atranka – būtina valdymo veikla, siekiant aktyvaus klientų dalyvavimo kuriant bendras (kartu su seniūnijų darbuotojais) viešąsias paslaugas (bendras kūrimas, angl. Coproduction). Many services are shifting certain activities from employees to clients in order to create value for and with clients. It is evident that citizens (hereinafter referred to as clients) influence the content of many public services through their direct participation in service delivery. Client participation in the coproduction of services is recognized as an important issue of scholarly research in both public and private sectors and also as a concept enriching traditional theories of public administration with the client-centred logics. Having in mind that clients have different levels of interest in participating in service coproduction, careful client selection is treated as an important part of management of client participation. The article deals with client selection problem, supporting the idea that the number of clients with whom a service provider works in coproduction of services must be restricted. The selection of clients is the required management activity for successful service coproduction. The article answers the question how (by what tools) clients should be selected so that they become active and valuable coproducers of public services.
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