Compilación y análisis sobre contaminación del aire producida por la quema y la requema de la caña de azúcar, saccharum officinarum L. en el valle geográfico del río cauca

Autor: Madriñán Palomino, Carlos Eduardo
Přispěvatelé: Zuluaga Cardona, José Iván
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 2002
Popis: Esta compilación intenta reunir la información existente en Colombia sobre la quema y la re-quema de la caña de azúcar Saccharum Officinarum L, analizando la contaminación del aire producida por esta actividad en el valle geográfico del rio cauca área de mayor influencia de este cultivo en Colombia. La investigación monográfica inicia con una breve historia alrededor de los motivos que llevaron a los agroindustriales a la implementación de esta práctica en la cosecha de la caña de azúcar; seguidamente se presenta un marco teórico que caracteriza el manejo convencional para platear como alternativa un manejo agroecológico. Se presenta una descripción del cultivo de la caña de azúcar haciendo hincapié en el subsistema cosecha mostrando las bondades y dificultades que ocasiona este manejo, concluyendo con los residuos y emisiones originales de la quema del follaje de la caña de azúcar; seguidamente se cuantifica la contaminación atmosférica producida por la agroindustria azucarera en el área de estudio y se analiza los efectos ambientales de dicho manejo en el componente atmosférico, antrópico y sobre la saluda humana. El documento finaliza planteando alternativas de manejo que sean viables ambiental, económica y socialmente. /Abstrac. This compilation tries to gather the existent information in Colombia on it burns it and it burns it of the cane of sugar Saccharum Officinarum L., analyzing the contamination of the air taken place by this activity in the geographical valley of the river Cauca area of bigger influence of this cultivation in Colombia. Monographic investigation begins with a brief history around the reasons that took to the agro industrial ones to the implementation of this practice in the crop of the cane of sugar; subsequently a theoretical mark is presented that characterizes the conventional handling to outline as alternative a handling agro ecological A description of the cultivation of the cane of sugar is presented making stress in the subsystem it harvests showing the kindness and difficulties that it causes this handling concluding with the residuals and original emissions of it burns it of the foliage of the cane of sugar; subsequently the contamination atmospheric is quantified taken place by the sugar agroindustry in the component atmospheric. Atrophic and about the human health. Document concludes outlining alternative of handling that are viable environmental, economic and socially. \\Abstract: This compilation tries to gather the existent information in Colombia on it burns it and it burns it of the cane of sugar Saccharum Officinarum L., analyzing the contamination of the air taken place by this activity in the geographical valley of the river Cauca area of bigger influence of this cultivation in Colombia. Monographic investigation begins with a brief history around the reasons that took to the agro industrial ones to the implementation of this practice in the crop of the cane of sugar; subsequently a theoretical mark is presented that characterizes the conventional handling to outline as alternative a handling agro ecological A description of the cultivation of the cane of sugar is presented making stress in the subsystem it harvests showing the kindness and difficulties that it causes this handling concluding with the residuals and original emissions of it burns it of the foliage of the cane of sugar; subsequently the contamination atmospheric is quantified taken place by the sugar agroindustry in the component atmospheric. Atrophic and about the human health. Document concludes outlining alternative of handling that are viable environmental, economic and socially. Otra
Databáze: OpenAIRE