Quantitative measurement of aerosol deposition on skin, hair and clothing for dosimetric assessment

Autor: Roed, Jørn, Andersson, Kasper Grann, Bell, K.F., Byrne, M.A., Fogh, C.L., Goddard, A.J.H., Vollmair, D.V.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Roed, J, Andersson, K G, Bell, K F, Byrne, M A, Fogh, C L, Goddard, A J H & Vollmair, D V 1998, Quantitative measurement of aerosol deposition on skin, hair and clothing for dosimetric assessment . Denmark. Forskningscenter Risoe. Risoe-R, no. 1028(EN), Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde .
Popis: The deposition to human body surfaces of potentially hazardous aerosol has been investigated through tracer experiments. Particles of different sizes labelled with neutron activatable rare earth tracers were released in test rooms and deposited on volunteers. Various sampling techniques to examine the clearance and retention of the aerosol to skin, hair and clothing were investigated, and a protocol for the most efficient procedure was established and validated. Experiments indicate that the deposition velocity to skin increases linearly with the particle size. A wind tunnel experiment simulating outdoor conditions showed outdoor deposition velocities to be almost an order of magnitude higher than those recorded indoors. Both in vivo and in vitro experiments were conducted, and the influence of various factors, such as surface type, air flow, heating and electrostatics were examined. The dynamics of particle removal from human skin were studied by fluorescence scanning. Using the experimentally determined parameters, a model was established for calculation of radiation doses received from deposition of airborne radioactive aerosol on human body surfaces. It was found that the gamma doses that could be expected from deposition on skin were of the same order of magnitude as the gamma doses received over several years from contamination on outdoor surfaces. Assuming very high dry contamination levels, as were recorded in some areas of Russia after the Chernobyl accident, it was found that beta doses from skin deposition may amount to several Sievert and thus be responsible for a significant cancer risk.
Databáze: OpenAIRE