Water use in engineering dormitory in Greenland - Apisseq:Sisimiut - Greenland

Autor: Kotol, Martin
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Kotol, M 2012, Water use in engineering dormitory in Greenland-Apisseq : Sisimiut-Greenland . Byg Rapport, no. R 278, DTU Byg, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet .
Popis: The report contains information about the annual water use in the engineering dormitory Apisseq. The report begins with brief description of the dormitory and then presents the water use, its fractions (cold water and DHW) and also the energy use related to DHW heating. Significant portion of the energy is covered by the solar plant.
Databáze: OpenAIRE