Influence of vibrations on structures

Autor: Kaláb, Zdeněk
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: One type of occasional structural load is a seismic load. Earthquakes and blasts are typical sources of vibrations, but vibration generated during urban tunnel construction can represent a significant problem. Evaluation of the harmful impact of vibrations transmitted through rock massif into buildings is solved using experimental measurements, detailed analyses of measured signals, knowledge of geological pattern and constructional analysis. Seismic load of structures due to earthquakes is solved using the EUROCODE 8 standard. The earthquake movements at a certain location on the surface are determined by an elastic response spectrum to the ground acceleration. Eurocode 8 puts emphasis especially on the robust foundations and simplicity of construction systems. It is also mentioned vibration effect on historical buildings and effect under the surface, for example, in mine spaces. Historical structures are usually even more prone to vibration damage than, for example, typical wood-frame homes. The greater concerns over historic structures arise from the design, structure age, building materials and building methods used. The peak values of vibration generated by earthquake decrease with depth; the decrease is faster in shallow layers compared with the deeper part. Technical vibrations differ from natural earthquakes, for a comparable value of maximum vibration amplitudes, especially in the frequency range of the signal and mostly its duration. Evaluation of technical seismicity is more complicated because there are usually used national standards. To document some common information about vibration effects on structures, some experimental measurements are presented. Examples of real wave patterns document common shapes and also signals with significant resonant vibrations. Very interesting is an example of resonant vibration that was generated as the influence of basin structures on the shape of wave patterns due to quarry blasts. To obtain complete information, measurement system has to keep sufficient parameters, especially the frequency range of the whole seismic channel, sampling frequency, and proper anchoring of the sensor. The basic methodology for evaluation of vibration on structures is outlined. Web of Science 23 3 311 293
Databáze: OpenAIRE