Fostering coherence in EU health research: Strengthening EU research for better health

Autor: Sipido, Karin, Fajardo, David, Vercruysse, Tom, Glänzel, Wolfgang, Veugelers, Reinhilde
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: he COVID 19 pandemic prompted reinforced investment in health research, to support rapid research and innovation for vaccine development and health care measures. The European Union response highlighted strengths and weaknesses in EU research organisation and funding. Over time, EU investment in health research has been aimed at increasing knowledge and transfer of knowledge into innovation, for better health. To this end, several instruments have been developed, but the impact of these efforts is hampered by fragmentation and a lack of synergy between strategies at different levels. Inequalities in health and research across Member States need further measures. Policies can take inspiration from successful health research organisation and policies inside and outside the EU, for more coherence and throughput to implementation. Health research needs strong leadership to engage in global health and to tackle the challenges of the interconnectedness of health with environmental and climate challenges, and durable economic development. Stakeholder involvement in a formal structure will secure permanent dialogue for fruitful research and development. status: Published online
Databáze: OpenAIRE