Evidence for Coexisting Shapes through Lifetime Measurements in $^{98}\mathrm{Zr}$

Autor: Singh, P, Korten, W, Hagen, TW, Görgen, A, Grente, L, Salsac, M-D, Farget, F, Clément, E, de France, G, Braunroth, T, Bruyneel, B, Celikovic, I, Delaune, O, Dewald, A, Dijon, A, Delaroche, J-P, Girod, M, Hackstein, M, Jacquot, B, Libert, J, Litzinger, J, Ljungvall, J, Louchart, C, Gottardo, A, Michelagnoli, C, Müller-Gatermann, C, Napoli, DR, Otsuka, T, Pillet, N, Recchia, F, Rother, W, Sahin, E, Siem, S, Sulignano, B, Togashi, T, Tsunoda, Y, Theisen, C, Valiente-Dobon, JJ
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: The lifetimes of the first excited 2^{+}, 4^{+}, and 6^{+} states in ^{98}Zr were measured with the recoil-distance Doppler shift method in an experiment performed at GANIL. Excited states in ^{98}Zr were populated using the fission reaction between a 6.2 MeV/u ^{238}U beam and a ^{9}Be target. The γ rays were detected with the EXOGAM array in correlation with the fission fragments identified by mass and atomic number in the VAMOS++ spectrometer. Our result shows a very small B(E2;2_{1}^{+}→0_{1}^{+}) value in ^{98}Zr, thereby confirming the very sudden onset of collectivity at N=60. The experimental results are compared to large-scale Monte Carlo shell model and beyond-mean-field calculations. The present results indicate the coexistence of two additional deformed shapes in this nucleus along with the spherical ground state. ispartof: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS vol:121 issue:19 pages:192501-192501 ispartof: location:United States status: published
Databáze: OpenAIRE