Residue of Interaction: Scaling Participatory Experiences

Autor: Wilkinson, Andrea, Lenaerts, Lieke, Hendriks, Niels, Maldonado Branco, Rita
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Situated within both design research and design education and learning, the Residue of Interaction workshop is proposed as a means to begin a discussion on the residual influence of participation on the designer-researcher and how these one-off experiences individually scale up to influence future practice. Based within participatory-based research practice, the rich experiences had by design researchers is often translated into insights and design requirements required by project partners. In some instances, however, participation leads to insights (even after a project is complete) that do not have a space to be documented or shared within the scope of the research at hand. The workshop will document, reflect and discuss how experience can be scaled into meaningful and accessible resources and how they can be shared in a way that it becomes useful for others. A collective documentation and dissemination workshop, it will gather narratives of how participation has impacted researchers themselves and how these insights continue to impact how they design or their teaching practice. The aim of this workshop, then, is to identify ways to integrate reflection into the design process and best practices for articulating, documenting or disseminating experience as knowledge. The workshop will result in a collection of media resources and artifacts that can be used for continued research in this area as well as a resource within education. ispartof: pages:489-495 ispartof: pages:489-495 ispartof: Matters of scale: The 9th Nordes Design Research conference location:Kolding, Denmark date:15 Aug - 18 Aug 2021 status: Published online
Databáze: OpenAIRE