Geological Extreme Events: analysis and mitigation at IGME-CSIC

Autor: Díez Herrero, Andrés, Galindo Jiménez, Inés, García López-Davalillo, Juan Carlos, Hernández Ruiz, Mario, López Gutiérrez, Julio César, Montoya Montes, Isabel, Pérez López, Raúl, Perucha Atienza, M. Ángeles, Rodríguez-Pascua, M. A., Sánchez Jiménez, María Nieves
Přispěvatelé: Díez Herrero, Andrés, Galindo Jiménez, Inés, García López-Davalillo, Juan Carlos, Pérez López, Raúl, Perucha Atienza, M. Ángeles, Rodríguez-Pascua, M. A.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: [EN] The analysis of extreme geological events and the proposal of mitigation measures to prevent the concomitant hazard and risk effects, especially on the natural and cultural heritage, are addressed from the IGME-CSIC research group on “Geological extreme events and Heritage”, by applying pioneer and innovative methodological approaches, including: geology applied to emergency situations; earthquake geology and archaeo-seismology; geological hazard assessment in volcanic islands; cataloguing and surveying mass movements; flood and paleoflood hydrology and geomorphology; characterization and observation of geological events through UAS; education and training on geological risk; and citizen science. The main results achieved by the group components, along the last five years (2017-2021), amount to 400 high quality publications and the involvement in more than one hundred scientific projects (leading twenty of them); additionally to many contributions in congresses, meetings, conferences, research stays and social dissemination. Among the implementation fields of this research may be highlighted the territorial planning, emergency operations, and heritage management. It is the reason why many public administrations, private institutions, and social and commercial actors, are counted among the end users and the partners of this research group.
Databáze: OpenAIRE