The production and storage of food in early Iran

Autor: Dahl, JL, D'Anna, MB, Jauß, C, Johnson, JC
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Food and urbanization. Material and textual perspectives on alimentary practice in early Mesopotamia. 37
ISSN: 0474-6805
Popis: In this short note I will seek to give an overview of the textual and glyptic sources to food production and storage in early Iran. The textual sources that I use are the so-called proto-Elamite texts (Dahl 2013), the glyptic sources are the seals found impressed on the same tablets as well as on sealings of various kinds (Legrain 1921; Amiet 1972; Pittman 1992, 1997; Dahl 2014). With the danger of straying into “Schriftarchaeologie”, I will briefly mention epigraphic evidence for animals in the proto-Elamite texts.
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