Detección en urgencias de infección por VIH en pacientes que consultan por condiciones potencialmente relacionadas con infección oculta: resultados iniciales del programa 'Urgències VIHgila'

Autor: Miró i Andreu, Òscar, Miró, Emília, Ejarque Carbó, Miriam, Saura, Mireia, Rebollo, Alexis, De Paz, Rocío, Guardiola, Josep Maria, Smithson Amat, Alejandro, Iturriza, Daniel, Ramió Lluch, Cristina, Leey, Connie, Ferro, José Ignacio, Villamor Ordozgoiti, Alberto, Gené, Emili
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Objective: To estimate the prevalence of unknown HIV infection in patients who consulted in hospital emergency services (ED) for conditions defined in the SEMES-GESIDA Consensus Document (DC), evaluate the efficiency of its im-plementation and investigate the efficiency of HIV serology determination in other conditions. Methods: Results were reviewed in 10 Catalan EDs for 12 months (July-21-June-22) after implementing CD recommendations: request HIV serology in case of suspected sexually transmitted infection, chemsex, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), mononucleosis syndrome, community pneumonia (18-65 y-o) or herpes zoster (18-65 y-o). Other reasons for request were included. Prevalence (%) of global seropositivity and for each circumstance was calculated, with a 95% confidence interval (95%CI). The efficient strategy was considered if the lower limit of the CI95%>0.1%. Results: A total of5,107 HIV serologies were performed: 2,847(56%) in situations specified in CD, and 2,266 (44%) in other 138 circumstances. Forty-eight unknown HIV infections were detected (prevalence=0.94%;95%CI=0.69-1.24). The prevalence was somewhat higher in DC requests (30 cas-es 1.12%) than the rest (18 cases 0.71%; p=0.16). The individualized prevalence of CD reasons ranged between 7.41% (95%CI=0.91-24.3) in chemsex and 0.42% 95%CI=0.14-0.98 in PPE, always efficient except herpes zoster (0.76%; CI95%=0.02-4.18). In other reasons, cases were detected in 12 circumstances, and in four the determination could be efficient: lymphopenia (10%;CI95%=0.25-44.5), fever with polyarthralgia-polyarthritis (7.41%;CI95% =0.91-24.3), behavioral alteration-confusion-encephalopathy (3.45%;95%CI=0.42-11.9) and fever of unknown origin (2.50%;95%CI=0.82-5.74). Conclusions: The determination of HIV serology in HES in the processes defined by DC SEMES-GESIDA is efficient. Some circumstances are identified that could be added to those previously contemplated to increase efficiency.
Databáze: OpenAIRE